He is going to die.


"Miss Byun" the second son of the Quing family calls the family attention and brings it back to me and I smile at them shyly. Putting on my, mask again for yet the final lap of this deceit. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir it wasn't a big stain I am fine really," I reply as I take my seat.

"Hm? Where is Asher? Didn't you two come together?" His wife the former celebrity asks.

And my eyes widened in confusion, "I didn't see him" I reply.

"That is strange he went after you though" she adds.

"He did?"

"It's okay, if she didn't see him then he must have gone somewhere else." The family Patriarch said putting an end to the interrogation, thankfully.

"You must forgive Asher he must not be entirely comfortable with the idea of marriage yet, you see he only recently just returned from studying abroad for many years. I notice he has been quite cold towards you." The older daughter-in-law, Marisol Quing added.

Throwing my hands in the air I wave them frantically "oh no ma'am, it's okay. I completely understand, even I, am not completely comfortable with the idea as well." I say as I glance at the chairman again for like the tenth time, checking the wristwatch I glance at him yet again.

On this day in my past life the chairman of the largest corporation in the country, the Quing group of companies collapsed and went into a coma. He had pneumothorax, a collapsed lung. We all watched as he struggled and gasped for air, his face turning blue due to lack of oxygen whilst he clutch his chest in pain. Everyone screamed for me to do something but I froze there like the fool I was. I didn't know what to do, I never really paid attention in school because I was too busy following my uncle's advice to live my life to the fullest.

I never recovered from those rumors, the Quings hated my guts, and if not for the fact that there was no love lost between the old madam and the chairman I wouldn't have been getting married to Asher. While the family blamed me, she praised me for doing nothing and letting the chairman become like that. What kind of ally is that? One that abandoned me the moment a better option became available. It wasn't going to happen this time, besides if the chairman is healthy I am pretty sure neither of his daughters-in-law would be dying.

Sure it was too early to really make any progress with school but I have a golden finger, I know exactly what happened to the chairman, he won't be dying this time. Spending hours reading and practicing I knew perfectly the first aid to administer.

"Father? Father?!" The chairman's only daughter screams and we all turn to the chairman watching as he clutches his chest in pain. His two sons rushed to his side in an instant. "Call the doctor!" The second one yells, and I wait for the statement that ruined my entire career.

'Can you not do anything? You are a doctor aren't you.'

But it never came and for the first time, I realise who said that, the only person that wasn't here right now. Asher, tch… wow he must have really hated me. He never regarded me as anything which means he didn't say that expecting me to do anything. He only wanted to embarrass me. Too bad, I am not the same person this time around, I am scared I might screw up, if I do then I might as well just go into a coma with the chairman. These people will never forgive me. I didn't get reborn to be a coward, besides its two sides of a coin do nothing and suffer like I did in the past or do something new with a potential for failure. I guess I don't really have a choice.

"You should spread out, don't crowd around him" I speak up, pushing my way past them to the ground where the chairman has collapsed. Kneeling down beside the chairman I place both my index and middle fingers against his neck to take his pulse. Just as expected his heart is beating so fast, moving lower I tug on his tie pulling it apart and tossing it away.

"His heart is beating fast and he is having difficulty breathing," I say, softly pressing down on his left rib I watch as he winces. "it appears he is also in pain, the chairman cannot breathe I need to get air into his body somehow." I inform them, does anyone have a biro that has removable ink?"

"I do, I do," Mrs. Marisol says running to her purse to get it. In the meantime, I grab a knife from the table and quickly undo his buttons. Looking at the agitated family members first I grab the knife to make a hole. But as I move to work a strong grip restricts my movement. Turning to look upwards I see Asher's angry eyes staring down at me.

"Don't you dare" he spits "if you don't want to lose everything your family has you will step away from him. I refuse to allow someone like you to touch my grandfather."

"What the hell do you think you are doing? If I do nothing he will die, he has a collapsed lung, If I don't get air in there he will die!" I yell back.

"Then let him."