I will not let him die.



"Let him… you are not even a doctor yet do you think I will allow you to touch my grandfather? How do I know if you won't be the one killing him instead." I look around and it appears the rest of the family is beginning to agree with him and as though to confirm my assumption the daughter speaks out.

"Asher is right, you aren't even a doctor yet. What if you do more harm than good?"

"We should wait for the doctor." Her husband adds

I pull my shoulders upwards and backward, looking directly at the chairman, his tear-filled eyes mirroring the battle he is currently fighting at the moment. His face turned purple and swelling, veins popped out around his neck. His gasps came out in shorter puffs with longer intervals, if this continued he would lose consciousness. Under the weight of his piercing gaze that laid heavily on me through the weakness of it something snapped in me, and I didn't care what happens to me after this, I will be saving the chairman.

"Then sue me, destroy my family, do whatever. I don't care, I may not be a doctor yet but I am a medical student and I will not sit back and watch a patient die right before me." Pulling my hand away from Asher's grip I rubbed the part where his fingers squeezed just a moment ago. I got to work immediately the tremble in my arms was gone my hands moved with precision the accuracy causing me to gasp inwardly. My gratification comes quickly when I hear the chairman gasp after I plunge the makeshift tube underneath his collarbone. After a few moments, a team of paramedics rushes forward stumbling backward I let them work.

That strong grip? I feel it again, on my upper arm turning to him with a tired glare the intensity of his glare causes a rumble in the pit of my belly and before I can refuse he speaks "Come with me."


It seems impossible to explain the burning inside of me. Anger is an understatement to what I feel right at this moment. All I can keep thinking is how dare she? How dare she?!

"That's enough, we've come far enough don't you think?" She says yanking her arm from the fingers tightly wrapped around her arm. "Say what you want to."

"If anything happens to my grandfather I swear I will kill you." I spit "who the hell do you think you are laying your filthy tainted hands-on him?!" I notice her eyes widen and her nostrils flare when she stepped backward scoffing.

"What did you say? Tainted filthy hands? Look here I understand that you are probably emotional right now, but do not cross the line." She spits back and I laugh rue-filled laughter.

"What line? I don't see any line, you have ensured that there are no lines already and you expect me to stick to them? What kind of person must you be to use your greed on a sick person even?" I ask, unable to convey the words required to properly hurt her, making her feel as intensely as I do. "Look it is obvious what you want, I can see you foaming out the mouth with greed from miles away but I will assure you this… you and I will never ever get engaged not to even talk about marriage. So I will advise you right now to stop all your scheming it will never happen between us."

Laughing she look back up at me, her brows drawn and eyes narrowed at me "you must think the world revolves around you but I should inform you as well that I also do not have any intention of getting married to you."

"Tch, when you learn to lie properly comeback because this" I point my finger at her and circle it around her face "is not going to work either."

She steps backward and runs her hands through her hair looking at me from the bottom of her closing lids. "I have tried to understand it but it confuses me, what exactly is your problem with me? I cannot remember doing anything to you in particular and I have been nothing but pleasant to your family since I got here. Why do you hate me so much?"

"You're selfish, rude, and deceitful. How dare you bribe a maid and use that filthy hand to touch my grandfather? What? you have been pleasant to my family? It's the audacity for me, after bribing a maid… I knew the type of person you were the moment you called that woman a useless servant." I say "but you have surpassed my wildest imaginations. Get ready miss Byun if my grandfather's condition does not improve I will take everything from you. I swear it." Pushing past her I begin to make my way back to my grandfather, ignoring the scoff and the pointed look she gave me. Sighing heavily I trudge back to the family, my chest heavy and my throat dry, I hope grandfather is okay