What the hell kind of rebirth is this?


My skin sizzled and my hands would not stop trembling, I sat forward in the cab I was in. "Sir, can you please hurry up? Drive faster."

"It rained today miss, if I go any faster we might get into an accident" the can driver said and I shut my eyes in fear. Clutching tightly to my dress I struggle not to panic.

"What do I do? What do I do?" I said to myself, squeezing my eyes to keep my head safe. Suddenly my phone rang in my purse and I jumped, fumbling before I answered I put it to my ear without looking at the caller ID but it didn't matter when I heard my sisters' soft voice. "Isabelle? Oh my goodness are you okay?"

"Marianne!" I breathed out, trying to stop my hands from trembling as I held the phone. "What do I do? I think I messed up big time."

"Uncle and Aunt are beyond furious, they went to your dorm to look for you" Marianne informed me and I couldn't help but sigh. "It's really bad Isa, the Quings called them before they left home I think you should go over to their house to apologize for then find somewhere to sleep tonight, maybe you could do to Xavier's?"

"Are you mad? Why would I sleep in his house? Look if there went to my dorm then does that mean you are home alone? Can I come home?"

"You want to come here? what if they come back?"

"I'll be gone before then, I just really need to see you."

"Sorry, but can you turn the car around?"


"Why the hell did you do that? And on live television too?" Marianne asked the moment I walked in and I didn't have the ability to find the words just yet, telling the maid to get me a cold glass of water I headed straight to my room. Marianne rolled right behind me.

"Isa, please tell me what is going on? Does he hurt you? Is that why you looked so scared?"

"No, he wouldn't dare, something happened, I remembered something really scary," I said.

"From your past life?"

I nodded in response, "I didn't remember this memory until this evening."

"But you said you remembered every detail, what do you mean you didn't remember this until this night?"

"I know that is what is really freaking me out, I thought I knew everything but apparently I don't."

"What was this memory, that you were so terrified you had to run out of the interview?"

"His eyes, it was his eyes, It took me back to a time where I had a fight with him but in that memory, there were two things I could not understand." I said, "I told him I liked him and I think I meant it."

"That is plausible, you were engaged to him and he is pretty charming too" Marianne replied but my response was only a sigh.

"But I don't remember having feelings for him, when I remember my relationship with Asher it was nothing but awkward, official, and him glaring or looking down on me the whole time. While I did nothing but make mistakes and act like a fool." I groaned, "I couldn't have liked him, I was in love with Xavier, I am in love with Xavier. Why would I like Asher when he has been nothing but unpleasant to me? He wouldn't even acknowledge my presence."

"What was the second thing?" She asked and I shuddered.

"It was this feeling, I am not sure how to explain it but I really felt it was like he was showing me through his eyes how strong his desire to end my life was, and I felt it. My lungs choking up, blood rushing to my head and this trapped feeling, like walls enclosing around me."

"Like you feel in small spaces?"

"No, but what I felt in that memory felt much more than my claustrophobia."

"I don't know what to say Isabelle, but it is really dangerous if you can't remember everything, you can not keep getting surprises like this. Getting reborn and taking revenge is supposed to be a golden finger but right now it's beginning to seem like a burden."

"Marianne" I sighed reaching for my sister, but she grabbed my hand instead, clutching tightly. Her blue eyes meeting mine,

"Isabelle, do you have to do this? Take revenge? It's too dangerous, please. We are having enough trouble already dealing with uncle and aunt already, we can't cross that Quing family."

"All I need to do right now is just get away from them as soon as possible," I said, "maybe I should just go finish my senior year abroad, then by the time I am back they would have married Asher off to the next eligible bachelorette."

"Yeah, and you would just provide Giselle with what she wants on a silver platter, both Asher and the company too."

Shutting my eyes I sigh again for the hundredth time that evening, "what do I do Marianne? My heart won't stop pounding and my hands are still trembling, I cannot let us just die like that again. Mom and dad will feel too pathetic in their graves."

Her warm palm comforts me as I stare into nothing. "No matter where we even go, even if we try to run away, we are too important to Byun health cooperation. Being alive is the biggest threat to them, so we can't even walk away." Marianne mutters.

"No, I won't let them have anything," I say seriously, "first things first, I need to get full custody of you. Then meet with more shareholders."

"And Mr. Kim? What did he say?"

"I have to prove myself to him, he said he hates betting on a weak link."

I said, thinking a million different things at once, this is not supposed to happen, the engagement should have ended days ago, so I should have time to focus on other things. But it seems this one problem just keeps on blowing up my entire plan. Getting away from Asher is paramount now, maybe I should just come clean with everyone now, that I don't want to marry Asher? No, I can't do that while Marianne is still under their care, who knows what they would do to her?

Grabbing my phone I dial the number of my father's lawyer, he is the only person I can trust now with this. But while I was focusing on this I had no idea that the world was collapsing just outside, and my life would be taking a dramatic and drastic turn. What the hell kind of rebirth is this?