There is no such thing as a free lunch


My lips parted slightly as the chairman called my name, and I shut my eyes tightly begging the tears to just remain inside. If I cried now, in front of these people I will never be able to leave it down, so I swallowed the sob that burned my throat and got up, bowing slightly to the rest of the family, without sparing a glance towards my uncle and aunt I followed after the chairman.

The walk was silent but I didn't mind, if I said anything right now I am just so afraid I might just cry. When we finally got to his office he dismissed the secretary walking behind us and it was just two of us standing in that large and exquisite study. The room felt too big, it was large but it felt bigger as I stood inside, it had a dark oak theme, with a fireplace that burned and stone walls, like an old cabin with bottles of what I assumed to be scotch, I couldn't imagine the chairman thrusting for anything else.

"You not going to apologize?" He said, his back to me.

I said nothing, my eyes on the pair of Prada heels I had on today, I couldn't;t bring myself to like them, how could I after everything that had happened today. These shoes cost twelve thousand, now I will never wear them again.

"I thought so" he added turning around to face me, "look up at me." He said and I obeyed promptly. "Do you know it is a bad habit to do wrong and refuse to apologize?"

I blinked at him and still said nothing, "even after you uncle and aunt did that out there? You still won't apologize for what you did." He stepped forward, towards me, but with my annoying heels, I took one backward, towards the door.

"You have not only destroyed the image of my grandson but you dared to touch my company, never in the history of this company have our stocks fallen so low, and we have had bad scandals before, so what makes you so confident right now, you are supposed to be on your knees begging how dare you!" He yelled and just couldn't take it anymore, I stomped my foot and looked him straight in the eye.

I know it was wrong, I was thought never to talk back to my superior, never eat before my superior, never glare, and never scoff at my superior. It was rich 101, but I didn't care. More than that, I was thought how to casually have a battle like an argument where witts were the swords and our tongue and expressionless face were our amour and shield. The first to apologize was the loser, and even though my uncle and aunt basically made me fresh meat for this family by doing what they did, I would not disservice the hard work my parents invested in me. "With all due respect sir, shouldn't your grandson be here as well? I agree I was wrong to do what I did but you cannot deny the fact that my eagerness to please your family is the only reason you are standing here today. Shouldn't that at least get me some credit?"

He laughed, "so what? I should be forever grateful and in your service?"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch, that was the first thing my parents taught me but that by the way, isn't Asher more at fault in this? How could he be so reckless, coming at me like that in a public place? I get that he lived abroad most of his life but before you come at m,y parents training shouldn't you question yourself first?" I stated bluntly, keeping my voice level and my words curt.

"Then? Is it my fault that your guardians only have bad things to say about you?"

Those vultures?

"My guardians never have bad things to say about me," I said his brow rose in question but I said no more. "I know I don't have a choice now but I do not want to marry your grandson. More than anything in this world I do not want to marry Asher. For not saying that earlier I am sorry and that is the only thing I will apologize for."

"Your Uncle and aunt, get rid of them and I'll let you call off the wedding."

I froze, I expected to be yelled at, threatened, maybe even slapped? What did I just hear? "I beg your pardon?"

"Get rid of those vulgar people first, I give you till the wedding then I will call of the wedding… but only if that is what you want." He said, why would I want anything else.

"I don't understand, why all of a sudden?"

"What kind of well-bred people will go against their own kin like that? And in front of their enemy? I hate those kinds of people the most, they disgust me and I will not do business with them."

"If you hate my family then why are you still pushing this marriage?"

"Are they really your family? And do you really think you would survive if I called off this wedding?"

My brows knitted and I frowned, he was right, regardless of the fact that women always suffered more in this kind of situation, I was still at a disadvantage, Byun health plus was smaller and although we both suffered the same extent of damage, we would suffer more loss.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked softly.

"There is no free lunch in this world," he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Besides Asher would never find a better life partner than the woman standing before me right now."

"We are the worst people to be put together."

"Get rid of your Uncle and aunt, if you hit a roadblock tell me and I will help you, that would settle my debts then won't it?"

"I thought you already did."

"That was the debt I owed to your parents, helping you get rid of those people is my debt fulfillment to you."

"You knew my parents?"

"Which conglomerate family doesn't know the other? Anyway, it is none of your business, just do as I tell you. A daughter-in-law should be obedient."

"I don't know why you are doing this but I will accept your help shamelessly, thank you." I bowed sincerely getting up I turned around and walked out. Now I have a clear goal, one that fixes my problems with one strike, getting rid of those vultures, and I have to be quick before Giselle comes back. Game on.