Fuck me.


"How did you do it? Stall for time?" I asked Jessie as we walked to the next class.

"She fainted, or rather pretended to until she couldn't hide or lie anymore?" Someone spoke from behind us and I turned to the voice, it was a familiar face but I don't think I had ever spoken to the girl before.

"You're… Cassie Kim right?" I asked and she nodded with a small laugh. "What's funny?"

"The fact that you know my name I didn't expect you to know that, I'm surprised."

I tilted my head and folded my arms across my bust, and smiled vaguely, was she complimenting or insulting me? It was really hard to tell with her, her expressions hid everything perfectly. "Well, I'm not as stupid as you guys believe," I said to confirm if this really was an insult.

"I never thought you were stupid"

"That is not true," I said immediately, I mean if I myself accepted the fact the world would never be so understanding.