What's the title?


I was shaking, pacing to and fro my room, from time to time my eyes found my phone to confirm the time, it was 2:30 am, I wasn't paranoid he was thirty minutes late. He said he would be here by two, and he still wasn't here. Sure he had been late a couple of times but today I felt differently, I had no idea what I felt or what I was feeling. I felt too many things that I couldn't make a single sense of in any situation.

"Sabine?" My response was prompt and sharp, walking through the shrubs I hurried into his arms, like the hopeless fool that I was. I was mad, angry at him yet the first thing I go and do is run into his arms. He leans down and I hear him sniff my hair and let out a soft sigh. "I missed your scent" he whispered and that did it, I was both irritated and relieved by the statement he made because it gave me enough not to be so blinded by emotion.