Jealousy Jealousy


Rage? Anger? There is nothing I wanted more than revenge? What the hell just happened I couldn't tell but I was definitely mad. I was pacing again, really really wearing out the floors of my tiny room, my heart thundered in my chest and I felt scared. How couldn't I after what I just saw? I stooped my pacing and took my phone to pour fuel into my already flaming fire. What stupid plan was this?

'They look so good together!'

'Oh my, oh my this in a real-life movie I will not even lie!'

'A perfect hate to love story, my perfect trope'

'Mr. Quing looks so gooooood!!!! He is so much more handsome than most celebrities combined. Yes, Zhen fans I said what I said.'

'Wow, you guys are so easily fooled, it is a publicity stunt!'

'How can that be fake? Look at the way he is looking at her?'