Love can never be a weakness.


"Who hurt you, tell me-"

"You! You did it, you killed me!" She screamed and I froze, I must have heard wrong. But it was very clear, she said it. I did it, I killed her. But then again, she was still alive, standing right in front of me, so alive. Yet she meant every single word she said, she said I and believed it. I couldn't though, why should I? I have done nothing wrong, absolutely nothing to warrant such terror from this woman. How she made me feel so dirty and so horrible with that look she gave to me every time I got annoyed. She would cause trouble and begin to hyperventilate and tremble the moment I chose to take action, if she was so terrified of me why would she consistently put me in such situations? Not today, I wasn't going to back off just because she was scared, in fact, she must explain this terror to me, I killed her? What absolute nonsense was that?

"I killed you?"