Swear that you and Asher would never be together


It took all I had to keep the sobs quiet yet still, I was sure if someone paid attention they still hear the heart braking sobs from wracking my frame. Then there was a knock at the door and I was wiping my face in a frenzy. Checking the mirror before me I cleared my throat before I pulled the door open. I was already shutting it when she stuck half her body through the door to prevent me from shutting the door.

"Wait, wait listen to me please just hear me out." She says but I scoff and push the door close next thing I know she is yelping in pain, and I step back in fright.

"Ow!" She groans, gripping her wrist, "Why would you place your wrist in between a door and the door sill? Weren't you thought caution as a child?"

Her watery eyes shoot a dagger at me and from her expression I can tell that that must have hurt like a bitch.

Pushing her way in she turns to face me inside my room, "I guess we are even now>" She says and I roll my eyes.