We're engaged.

"Don't think I won't do it, don't think I won't leave" Isabelle said.

"I don't think that at all" 

"Why the hell are you so calm? Why are you acting like this? It's too burdensome, it's like heaping piles and piles of weight on me, why do you keep looking at me like that?!" She exclaimed unable to endure it anymore. Isabelle knew she did not love Asher, she knew it because for two years she had been happy and he wasn't close to being the reason for her peace. She lived a life and was more than fine without him, so what was this feeling? This was not how love felt, was it? No, all she felt now was discomfort, anxiety, and fear. This heaviness settled in her chest and tied a knot in her stomach, and this wave of emotions washed over her so strongly that even though she knew they weren't hers she couldn't deny them. These were emotions she felt at one point in her life, yes, she loved Asher, she didn't know how it happened and why but she did.