I am dying, this is it.

Asher stood before the tombstone that read

Father, grandfather, and husband.

There wasn't much on it, it didn't speak about how immensely powerful he was, or how influential he had grown to be. But he could not stop thinking about that moment, the moment his grandfather died.

Beeping, the monitor would not stop beeping, and the man that had commanded such fear and caution. Who had so much power the president dared not cross him, who was seen as an icon at the end of the day was still only a man? Hooked onto all those machines, looking weak and pale he was still just man, a mere mortal cursed to the same fate as all humans, an expiry date.

His breathing had slowed and become labored yet he insisted on sitting up. Kicking everyone out but his grandson. "Do you regret it now? Being so mean to me all this while?"