Ah! Mr. Quing! Please, forgive me I beg you!

"So? What is going between you two?" One of the other doctors asked, sipping slyly she winked at Giselle and Giselle coughed on cue. It might have been a real reaction but nothing the woman did anymore seemed real to Isabelle.

"What do you mean?" She laughed and waved her hand as if to dismiss the talk.

"I mean Mr. Quing is really famous or rather infamous for his poor treatment of women but he doesn't seem that way with you," she said.

Isabelle wanted to scoff, laugh, Asher? Poor treatment of women? The only woman he treated poorly was her, in this life and the last. Now when he claimed to love her he was here sitting with the person she despised the most acting like they were a couple. She looked up to glare at him and met his gaze, what the hell? Why was he staring at her?

Giselle giggled once more, "Oh no! You are misunderstanding it!" She laughed.

"Are we?"