
"So? When do we sign the contract papers" Isabelle asked Dawn who sat right beside her. Dawn turned to look at Isabelle, how did she manage to do it? Seriously, she was beyond shocked, the only reason she had agreed to her foolish demand was that she was certain that she wouldn't be able to go back to the hospital. But now she was rubbing it in her face by inviting her to a gathering with the doctors, did she not realize or was she just ignorant to the fact that pharmacists and doctors did not get along?

It didn't matter anyway she could be professional but she did not know what to do. She did not know how Isabelle managed to get herself back into Byun general hospital but she really did not want to work with Isabelle what choice did she have, they had witnesses so she couldn't back down.

"Isn't that Mr. Quing?" Someone said and everyone turned to look at the entrance.

"Why is he with Dr. Jin?"