Lets take revenge

Asher stared at his empty glass with too much going on his mind, he felt angry, he felt hurt, he felt betrayed he felt all that, and then nothing at all, he felt numb. There was chatter flying over his head, of course, he wasn't alone, Shawn and Martin, the two people he was having drinks with spoke about so many things and as much as he tried not to be rude he couldn't pay attention.

Reaching for the bottle of bourbon before him he began to pour when Shawn reached for him, "hey, you are going to get drunk," he said.

Asher looked at him and pulled his arm away, "that... is my intention what?"

"Wow, what exactly got your pants in a twist? I have never seen you want to get drunk and I have known you more than a year" Martin said, placing his glass down on the table.