There is nothing going on between Xavier and me

Isabelle left the hospital the next day, and her world began to rotate again, but she wasn't as overwhelmed as she thought she would be. She couldn't get in contact with Isaac because of her missing phone but she had spoken to CEO Ling. He was still intrested in the supplements, asking her when she would be able to get the next shipping. Thankfully the money was yet to come through and it was a miracle he was still intrested in a deal with her.

What she was having a hard time with was her driver and the other man. That was why even though she was completely recovered she still had flashbacks, so much so that she began to blame herself. If she perhaps had yelled louder, why did she even go outside to take the call? 

She needed to go see Xavier, she would go to see Xavier. 

"Isabelle?" Asher's soft voice called to her and she turned to him. "The police are here, if you are up for it you should come down to speak to them."

"The police? Why?"