Don't cross the line, Isabelle.

"That is not a decision you can make Isabelle, you will talk to the police and that is final!" Asher spat back, giving her no room to leave.

Isabelle's eyes narrowed and she glared at him with as much annoyance as she felt, "you don't get to tell me what to do, you are not that important in my life to say that to me-"

"Don't cross the line, Isabelle, I love you. I am at the disadvantage here but that does not mean you just get to act anyhow towards me! I am allowed to be treated right as well."

"Then step aside and don't try to control my life" she retorted. "And if there is anyone crossing a line it's you. I can't tell you not to like me, those are your feelings, so allow me to have mine."

"If this is the line I shouldn't cross then I'll cross it anyway. I will win this time, if it comes to keeping you safe then I am willing to be unreasonable with you." He insisted.