9 : One billion of regrets

" - I'll buy him for ten million " said Akihito.

Silence followed his statement. Everyone was shocked. In his arms the little omega had finally calmed down. Even though he was still shaking, he had dozed off.

Behind him, Angela was furious. Why was Akihito doing this? Was he not her fated pair ?

No one had spent that much on an Omega yet, let alone a rankless Omega. And no one had ever bought an Omega for such a sum. Haru's Alpha was the first and last to pay over a million for an Omega. And this Omega was his supposed fated-mate.

" - What are you doing !? " Angela finally snapped.

She was pissed. She hadn't used the rut inducer yet and Akihito just made things even more complicated. He was hers to begin with, so she shouldn't feel threaten but it was about Haru. This fucking whore always made her life difficult.

Akihito already seemed distant enough, if in addition Haru were to be in his paws, what will happen to her next ?! She didn't know what Akihito wanted to do by buying this little shit, but she couldn't let this happening !

" - Twelve millions" retorted the fifty years old man with an irritated crease between his eyebrows.

" - He's not a thing you just could buy like that !" growled Gisele towards both his friend and Mister Park.

" - He was bought before, sneered the latter. And I can see that people still want him even if he's defective."

" - He's right, intervened Angela. Let Mister Park have him. He's useless to the club and he will be useless to you AkiO. "

" - Angela !" stormed Akihito.

She jumped, surprised by the power of his voice. Around them, some of her fellows were already whispering. AkiO didn't put a penny in her but he wanted to pour a fortune into Haru, an Omega he didn't even know about before today.

With a serious gaze, Akihito observed the petite Omega in his arms then Gisele. He said :

" - One billion. "

His offer made everyone jaw drop. Angela clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, overwhelmed with anger.

The fifty year old man was blown away. He was very rich. Everyone at the club knew that. Therefore, most of the Omegas at the club hoped to be chosen by him when he made an appointment.

But this man in front of him was another level. He was willing to spend a billion on a simple Omega. As an Alpha, Mr. Park admitted he was no match for him. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't afford to put such a sum on the table, otherwise he would soon find himself unemployed. Besides, paying so much just to fuck someone, his wife would kill him and he would soon be in the shackles.

" - Let me save him, Akihito insisted with Gisele. And, from now on, this old geezer is forbidden to come back here. As the club's biggest shareholder, I have the right to ask that, right? " he whispered only for his friend to hear.

- But…

- Look. We both know you don't need his money. And if Miss Park knows that her husband was willing to pay more than 1 million to fuck an Omega, she will surely barge here and make a scene. " Akihito explained.

Gisele sighed again. Her best-friend will be the death of her someday.

Without further ado, she called for the security and Mister Park was redirected out of the club, with a formal ban. To Gisele surprised, the man didn't put a fight. The smile he gave made her uncomfortable.

She joined Akihito in her office after calming the others and dispersing the crowd.

Akihito was slump in the single couch while Haru was sleeping in the double one.

" - One billion ? " Gisele repeated while she was closing the door.

Akihito growled with his hands on his face. He acted on an impulse. He didn't know why he did it but he did it. So now what ? He couldn't just back off like that. What will happened if words comes out that the little omega was still here ? Someone might try to hurt him again and it will be upon his fault.

" - You should have think before acting." Gisele said.

" - I don't know. He reminded me some omegas children I saw abroad. They were pitiful, selling themselves to provide their peers some foods and water, Akihito explained. I couldn't help them there but I… I don't know…"

" - Haru is my favorite you know, Gisele said.

- Haru ? Akihito asked, straightening up."

She pointed with her chin the sleeping Omega next to him.

" - Haru. " she repeated with a motherly smile. " Life wasn't kind to him you know. But he was always all smile and did talk a lot… at least in the past…"

Akihito frowned.

" - I don't want to let him go, Gisele sighed. Haru is broken. But being here doesn't help him. He's afraid of Alphas and you're a dominant one. An extreme one. He needs cares and you hate to take care of other human being. But… Haru can't stay here. One billion or not, I feel guilty for what happened to him and I will hate myself if he die here because of me…"