10 : Family

Head down, Akihito tried to digest everything Gisele had just told him and everything he had read in the investigation file.

He had never met Haru's Alpha but he already hated this person more than anything. He had never thought things like that could actually happen in the real life. How could someone hurt another human being so badly ? He couldn't understand.

" - The good part is that they didn't bond, Gisele said after a while. So Haru has still chance to find someone else and be happy."

" - I'm going to live with someone who's afraid of Alphas…" Akihito whispered.

" - You don't want to anymore ?" Gisele asked.

Akihito just closed his eyes, feeling overwhelmed. He was not only an Alpha but he was an extreme dominant one. The extreme dominant gender were really rare. Though he could control his pheromones to some extent, he was afraid to put Haru in a bad state of mind.

An omega and an alpha living together was already dangerous in a way. Akihito had never live with someone else, let alone an omega. What would happen if something gone wrong ?

" - Haru is a good boy, Gisele said. He might be depressed but he's not crazy.

- I never said that.

- I know… but you might think he is one day. What Haru needs is love and a safe place. A place where he can be happy and at peace."

For a long time, Akihito didn't say a word. The omega needed love indeed. But Akihito wouldn't be able to give him love. He might be able to show affection and care, because he was raised like that. But falling in love... he didn't want to think about it. He already had enough with Angela.

However, he didn't want to leave Haru here. After saving the boy and stating in front of hundread people that he was going to keep the omega, he couldn't just go back and let the little one here. Gisele might be a nice woman, she couldn't have eyes everywhere. If something happened, Akihito would surely regret it for the rest of his life.

Finally, Akihito stood up with a determined look.

" - Where do I sign ?"

Gisele smiled, relieved. They discussed about a couple of things after that. Akihito did take note about Haru's conditions, his behaviors and the fact that he had to be watched 24 hours a day.

Akihito then called his secretary ( and close friend ) to help him with Haru's stuffs. To his surprised, the little Omega didn't have much. Just some clothes, an old bag which contained his identity paper, an old worn out collar, band aids, a tons of ice packs, ointments, a box of wet tissues and two books whose yellowed and crumpled pages showed that they had been read and leafed through several times.

Gisele gave Akihito a paper, saying that Haru was belonging to him but… Akihito asked for a paper stating that Haru was free and that his life was his alone. For the time being, Akihito will only be his new family.