46 : Playing with fire

That night after his talk with Gisele and her brother Gordon, Flore went back to the Williams' household.

He felt exhausted but a little bit better compared to these last years. Though it was too romantic like an old fairytale, he believed Gordon was right and that his heart and Arnold's were bonded in a way.

That would explain a lot of things. Even if he erased the marked on his skin, Hassan's traces were still inside his omega gland. Just knowing that he was living these past years with his perpetrator's scent inside his nape was making him nauseous.

Flore thanked the bodyguard grandma Williams had assigned to him and entered the house with light steps.

Immediately, he detected this familiar smell. Peppery and strong. Tickling and comforting.

It was Arnold's scent. The alpha was back from his business trip.

Flore didn't even notice that he was almost running towards the bedroom. From the tea saloon, Kyle and Nell couldn't help but laugh softly at the sight.

Flore opened the door and found Arnold laying on the bed, inside the nest Flore had built with Arnold's belongings.

It was common for omegas to build nest when they felt lonely, especially for bonded omegas.

Flore shyly walked towards the sleeping alpha. He sat next to him, making sure to not wake him up.

Hair disheveled, with a shadow beard, Arnold seemed tired but he was still handsome as hell.

Flore giggled when Arnold muttered his name in his sleep.

Flore straddled the alpha and sat on top of the man's stomach. He wanted to play a prank on the man, a punishment for leaving him alone and dealing with Aurore.

Flore was about to take the pen on the nightstand when suddenly, the alpha turned around and Flore was now under the man whom was smiling triumphantly.

" - Tsk !" Flore let out, making the man laugh.

" - I missed you too," Arnold said while stroking the omega's hair.

" - Life was great without you," Flore retorted, not wanting to admit that he had missed the man.

" - Ouch," Arnold said with a smile on his lips. " I know you can live without me but I can't."

Arnold knew that Flore wasn't honest. But if he didn't see the nest with his own two eyes, he would have believe the sharp tongue of his omega.

" - Where did you go today ? I waited for you all the evening," Arnold said, ignoring the two small hands trying to push him away.

Flore might look like he wanted the man to move but his legs wrapped around the alpha's waist were saying otherwise. Arnold tried not to laugh and not make it obvious that his omega was cute.

" - I went to Gisele. She said her brother was here," Flore answered.

" - Her brother ?" Arnold asked curiously.

Arnold was one of the shareholders of the club. It's been years since he knew Gisele, he didn't know she had a brother.

" - I think he's in his thirties just like you but I'm not sure. He looks too young," Flore thought.

" - Are you… close with him ?"

Flore studied the alpha's deep gaze. He let out a small laugh and pinched the man's cheek.

" - Gordon is my doctor," Flore reassured him. " He saved me… when… you know…"

Arnold's gaze soften. He rolled over, dragging the omega with him. Flore was once again on top of him. He stroked Flore's back and his eyes were telling the omega to keep talking.

" - I lived with him for half a year before Gisele let me work at the club. During these months, I was… broken so Gordon tried his best to fix me. He had his own clinic far away from here, in the countryside. There were a lot of children there and I would spend my days sleeping or playing with the children. Sometimes, Gordon would bring me in town when he was visiting his husband and I will go deliver letters to my mother. "

Flore lay down his head on Arnold's shoulder. He intertwined his fingers with Arnold's and closed his eyes when he felt the man kissed the top of his head.

" - Gordon became my only close friend. The funniest is that most of the time, I had to protect him against mean patients. Gordon might be a beta but he's as fragile as an omega. He said he was afraid of me during the first two month I stayed with him," Flore said.

Arnold chuckled.

" - My my ! You like to terrorize everyone," he joked then.

Flore rose up on his forearms to look at Arnold.

" - I… I have so much to say but I don't know if I should," Flore said afterward.

" - Take your time. I'm not going anywhere anymore. I'll stand by your side," Arnold told while stroking Flore's cheek with his thumb.

" - Even if I'm unfair ?"

" - Yeah."

" - What if I keep hurting you ?"

" - Then I hope you will do it by staying with me forever," Arnold replied.

" - Is it a proposal ?"

" - Will you say yes ?"

" - I might ask you for the most expensive ring !"

" - And I will gladly bring this ring for you."

" - And what if I refuse to sleep with you until you grow old and can't get your thing erect ?"

" - Spending my life just cuddling with you is not so bad."

Flore sat on top of Arnold and crossed his arms.

" - You ? You, who like to play around ? You, who slept with too many crazy girls ? You ? You will be okay to live like an eunuch all your life ?" Flore asked, stunned.

Arnold started to laugh in the middle of Flore's suspicion.

" - You know that you will have to be deprive of sex too, right ?" The alpha asked him. " If you're not going to let me sleep with you, I will not let you sleep with anyone."

Flore opened his mouth to retaliate but Arnold interrupted him :

" - And just so you know, this cutie peach of yours is mine. "

His words were punctuated with him patting Flore's round ass.

" - That's cheating. I have my heat," Flore said with a deep frown.

" - And I have my rut every two months."

" - That's tricky…"

Arnold wanted to laugh in front of Flore's serious face. The omega was really thinking about a solution to satisfy his desire to torment Arnold and his needs during his heat.

" - Well, I'll let you touch me during my heat," Flore said. " And I will… do the same during your rut."

Arnold sat up.

" - You don't have to… I understand why you're treating me like this and I deserve it. My rut only last two days. If you give me one of your shirts, I can live with jacking off all my life."

" - You're lying," Flore sulked.

" - Yeah. But I'm not lying when I say I can live like that. If it's what it takes to keep you next to me, I will do it."

Flore's heart skipped a beat. A tint of pink rose to his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around Arnold's neck and said :

" - I like kisses. "

" - Really ?" Arnold replied softly.

" - Hum… We can kiss a lot if you want."

" - And…hum… tongue," Arnold whispered.

His face was now only two centimeters away from Flore's face.

" - What about tasting your tongue with mine ?" Arnold asked in a murmur.

" - I might like it," Flore responded in the same tone.

Their breathing were jerky and they were already panting, anticipating what was about to happen.

Arnold hardly swallowed his saliva, his eyes were roaming on the puffy mouth of his omega.

" - And… If I want to… kiss you right now, taste your mouth for hours… Can I ?"

" - I told you… I like kisses," Flore replied.

Before he could said another word, Arnold captured his lips in a tender kiss before invading his wet mouth with his tongue. Flore started to moan when Arnold's tongue licked the roof of his mouth and played with his tongue. Arnold suckled his lower lip and savored every moans Flore was letting escape into his own mouth.

Flore was rubbing his body against the alpha, making the latter groan from the stimulus.

Arnold lay down the omega without breaking the hot kiss.

When he felt like Flore needed to breath, he separated their mouths. Flore's lips were swollen and glistening. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes were in daze.

Arnold could felt that Flore's penis was hard. The little organ was poking his stomach, making it difficult for him to control himself.

" - Seems like it will be hard on you to kiss too," Arnold whispered while slightly caressing Flore's length with the tip of his finger.

Flore lifted up his waist, hoping to have more frictions.

" - No no," Arnold said. " No sex. You remember."

" - I said you can touch me," Flore whined.

" - Only during your heat. Your words ! Not mine," Arnold said as he stood up.

His bulge was clearly showing up through his tight pants. Flore gulped and bit his lower lip in front of his alpha's hard on.

" - You're hard," He said.

" - I'll be crazy if I'm not," Arnold smiled.

" - Then… Let's…"

" - No. My darling wants me to be an eunuch for the rest of my life, so you have to wait," he said before pecking Flore's mouth.

Flore watched him go into the bathroom. When he closed the door, he threw a pillow on it.

" - If you want to play, I'll play ! Let's see who's going to fall first !" Flore said with an evil smile.

He sighed and covered his hard penis with his two hands.

" - What am I going to do with that now ?!" he whined again.

In the bathroom, Arnold shook his head with a playful smile on his lips when he heard Flore's war statement. Things were going to be entertaining for a while. Arnold was already looking forward to it, excited to see what kind of plan his omega had in his beautiful little head.


Before entering inside the O. Company's building, Dana made sure her makeup was perfect.

She cringed while remembering her discussion with Satoh this morning. The man came to her house this morning to have her report and to tell her he was going to scavenge his own brother's project, so he could work with the Ogatas on his stead. He also used this occasion to sleep with her before she went to work.

Dana wasn't complaining though. Sex with Satoh was pretty good even if she was a bit tired to play the « love game » with him. She wasn't interested in him anymore but she was still his secretary so she had to do her work well.

She sighed and she got out of her car. Today, she was wearing a pink skirt and a white blouse. She didn't wear her bra, letting the fabric of her clothes caressing her generous breast.

It had been two days since she had saw Akihito. The man didn't come to work for personal reasons. She tried to find out why, but either Zaizen nor the two receptionist of Akihito's office wanted to tell her. Private, they said.

Once in the reception area in the chairman's floor, Dana put her bag next to Vicky - the receptionist in charge and an old alpha woman too strict for her own good - and Camila - a beta woman who liked to drink tea and talk about her children during the breaks. Dana was the youngest.

Dana wasn't really friend with them. Vicky was too robot-like and Camila was too motherly. While Vicky would glare at Dana and tell her straightforwardly to button up her shirt, Camila would do it while explaining that it wasn't the appropriate code for work though she really found Dana beautiful.

As soon as Dana sat down, the lift for the floor - they were in the last floor - rang and the three women stood up. Dana was excited.

When the doors opened, she wanted to smile when she saw Akihito in a complete light grey suit with a large black coat and a deep blue scarf. He was so handsome she could faint in front of him.

" - Good morning sir," Vicky said as she bowed slightly.

" - Good morning," Akihito replied with a genuine smile. " When Zaizen is here, tell him to come in my office. And call Silas to let him know we're going on the site this afternoon."

" - Yes, sir," Vicky answered. " May I serve you a cup of coffee ?"

" - No, it's okay. Thank you," Akihito said before he closed the door of his office behind him.

Vicky sat down and started to work, while Camila was giggling like a child.

" - Why are you smiling like that ?" Dana asked as she sat to do some work too.

" - The President is in good mood ! So that mean we can go home earlier today !" Camila said excitedly. " At least I hope ! It's my first born's birthday today and I don't want to miss it,"

" - Because he smiled," Dana remembered the smile Akihito showed.

She wanted to see it again. Camila nodded.

" - I thought he wouldn't come today too and that the director would make us work until late again. But if the President is here, I can go home to my family tonight !" Camila was smiling happily just thinking about spending some quality times with her four sons.

" - Does he often miss work ?" Dana questioned them.

" - He's not the type to miss work but he didn't come for half of this year. That actually surprised us ! The President is a workaholic. He never missed a day even during holidays he keeps working. Then, he suddenly said he would not come for a while. And since the project started with Mr Kanzaki, he's more steady again. " Camila explained.

" - Why did he miss half a year ? Was he sick ?" Dana asked, worried.

" - I don't know," Camila shrugged.

Dana stared at Vicky. The woman wasn't saying anything. She probably knew something.

" - But rumors say he's dating someone," Camila said.

" - What !?!! " Dana shouted, making Camila jump on her sit.

Embarrassed, she cleared her throat and asked again :

" - Is it true ?"

" - Probably," Vicky interrupted before Camila could answer. " But it is his private life. If the President hears you gossip, you will be suspended. "

Camila shivered at the thought.

" - Maybe for both of you," Dana said. " He can't do anything to me. I'm working for Si… Mr Kanzaki." she said proudly.

Akihito wouldn't be able to fire her even if he wanted to.

" - This projet is important for the Kanzaki not for the Ogata," Vicky said. " He will not fire you directly, not because he doesn't have the power but for principles. But keep in mind that if he wants, he can just cut everything with the Kanzaki and that will be your fault."

Dana raised her eyebrows. Frankly speaking, it would not affect her a bit. The Kanzaki deserved to be ruin. But sure, she didn't want Akihito to hate her so she was going to behave well.

The morning ran smoothly and Dana was bored. Since Zaizen came, both him and Akihito were working, refusing coffee or any kind of treats.

In the afternoon, finally, she saw some light. Even if Silas didn't want her to come with them on the site, Dana did not care about his opinions and had joined them.

The ride in the limo was calm. Dana was sitting in front of Akihito and next to her was Silas who was reading some papers. Zaizen was sitting next to Silas and he was studying the bleu print for the construction.

Akihito was silently typing a message on his phone. Dana wanted him to look at her.

Today, in addition to not wearing a bra, she wasn't wearing panties. It's the same trick she used onto Satoh.

A night during work, she let Satoh saw that there was nothing under her dress and then, their relationship became what it was today. Dana hoped to see Akihito succumb too. After all, he was a man and a dominant alpha. Their sex drive were no joke.

From time to time, Dana would slowly cross and uncross her legs in case Akihito would look in her directions.

She was already wet from daydreaming about this man in front of her.

Her fantasies were interrupted when she heard Akihito's soft laugh. No one missed the bright smile and the gentle gaze he had while answering his messages.

Dana was dumbfounded. Akihito was smiling like a teenager in love.

" - Seems like you lost," Silas whispered in Dana's ears.

Dana ignored him.

" - I heard you got engaged," Silas said to Akihito.

The latter looked up and stared at him before he replied :

" - I got married to be exact."

Dana clenched her fists.

" - Congratulation," She managed to say with a professional smile. " I didn't know because I didn't see a ring on your finger. If I knew I would congratulate you sooner," she said.

" - We actually exchanged our rings," Akihito said as he took out his necklace hidden under his scarf.

There was a little ring with a clear purple diamond in the middle.

The night after their marriage registration, Haru asked Akihito to give him his ring until their wedding. He wanted to have the man next to him when he was working. So they exchanged their ring.

According to Pam, Haru will slowly build a nest with Akihito's belongings. If he didn't do it until now, it was because he wasn't completely sure if Akihito really wanted him. But since their day in the city hall, Haru started to change.

Now he was talking a lot. In two days, unless he was eating or he was focus on the TV, he would come up to start a conversation with Akihito. The omega was already clingy but now he was clingier. And just like Pam predicted it, before going to work this morning, Haru asked Akihito his pajama pants and the underwear he was wearing the night before. Akihito tried to refuse but he remembered Pam told him to give Haru whatever he wanted now that he was pregnant. Haru was more sensitive and Akihito didn't want to upset him.

" - Congratulation," Silas said with a genuine smile. " I hope you will be together for a really long time." He said while glancing at Dana whom was getting more annoyed by him.

Once at the site they started to work without pause.

" - Not to sad ?" Silas asked Dana.

Zaizen and Akihito were busy talking with the constructor chief, the mineral researcher and the scientist present.

" - Why would I be ?" Dana said.

" - I saw how you were looking at him. I thought you were going to eat him," Silas sneered.

" - So ?" Dana asked.

" - He's married. You don't stand a chance."

" - Your brother is a married man too," Dana answered without care.

" - Do you really think he's like my shitty brother ? And even if he was, he's the great Ogata, you're no match for him. He will play with you but you will never be his wife or a member of his family," Silas said.

" - Are you jealous ?" Dana asked.

Silas winced, really disgusted by her confidence.

" - I'm not going to listen to someone who sold his own lover to dirty men to have financial support," Dana said.

Silas clenched his fists.

" - You might say what you want, but if I want something, I will have it. And what I want is Akihito Ogata. If you want to keep working on this project, just mind your business," Dana said.

" - What do you mean ?" Silas frowned.

" - I'm not saying this because I want to help you but Satoh wants to take back this project. He will do anything to have it. And I don't want him here. So keep doing a good work and I promise I will help you to stay here," Dana explained.

Silas was looking at Dana's retreating back. He wanted to punch her in her face.

He already knew that Satoh wasn't going to stay silent, but knowing that his fate on this project was on Dana's hands was making him anxious. She just wanted him to ignored her and her stupid idea about Akihito, so he will do it. But, Akihito was a too powerful opponent for him. So if a day come where he had to choose between Dana and Akihito, he will choose the latter. In this case, he will still have a chance to survive.

Silas let out a big sigh. He was tired by everyone in his family. They were probably more awful than he was.

Before they decided to go back to their house, Dana tried to talk in private with Akihito. The man was in his office, trying to figure out the problem with the safety clause about the site.

As Camila said, Akihito asked her to go back home earlier. He even told her to congratulate her son and gave her a cake he had ordered for her son. Camila was so happy that she cried.

So now, there were only Vicky - who accepted to assist Akihito - and Dana.

Dana used the time Vicky went to buy coffee and snacks to sneak in Akihito's office. She admired the man a little then she gave him the papers Vicky had to give tomorrow in the morning.

Akihito put his work on stop to read the report and sign the papers.

" - Hum… I know we are not close but I wanted to give something to your wife," Dana said. " If it wasn't for you kind support, my boss would not have this opportunity to prove himself with his family."

" - Silas is a great worker. You don't have to do anything," Akihito said without looking at her.

Dana clenched her teeth. She was thinking about something when her phone rang. It was Satoh. She frowned, annoyed.

" - You're not going to answer ?" Akihito asked, noticing she was just staring at the phone.

Dana was about to say it was nothing, when an idea came to her head.

" - It's… hum… my boss' brother…"

" - Yes, so ?"

" - He… is at my house now," She said with a weak voice.

Akihito was frowning now. Dana continued :

" - I… nothing. I just…"

" - Please, tell me. Is something the matter ?" Akihito asked her with a gentle tone.

Dana faked a chocked then she cried and said :

" - He's forcing me to sleep with him."

Akihito stood up and gave her a tissue. Dana used this opportunity to throw herself on his arms. Akihito didn't know what to do so he patted her back gently.

" - You should file a complaint," Akihito told her.

" - I-I c-can't," she was sobbing. " I'm afraid and I don't want to be fired ! He knows where I'm living I don't want him to hurt me anymore," she cried.

Akihito asked her to sit and then he took his phone and said :

" - For now, I will reserved a hotel room for you. And tomorrow let's find a solution."

Dana nodded.

After Akihito made the call, she bravely asked :

" - Will you come with me to the hotel ? I… I fear he will find me… please…"

Akihito hesitated but finally he accepted. He drove her to the hotel room where he explained everything to the receptionist.

" - Thank you," Dana said.

She was standing in front of the room reserved for her.

" - It's nothing," Akihito answered. " Try not to think and rest."

Dana nodded. Before Akihito could go, she hugged him and then closed the door.

Akihito swiftly wiped his clothes. Even though he was sorry for what Dana was going through, he was thinking that he finally have something against Satoh Kanzaki. Meanwhile, Dana was jumping on the bed of the hotel room. She had tricked the man or at least, she had him for a couple hours. She was already planning her next move…