47 : The truth that hurts [ R18 ]

Gordon was leisurely watching the outside from the bedroom. The night was bright and cool.

He got up to have a drink in the kitchen. The condo was spacious, clean but cold. He opened the fridge when suddenly, the door of the room near the living room opened up.

He chocked, seeing the firm naked body coming towards him. A thin film of sweat was covering the body and his huge rod was standing, hot and wet, with angry veins that made Gordon gulped before he shifted his gaze.

The man was panting. His cold gaze slightly stared at Gordon before he took the bottle of water in Gordon's hand.

Gordon was about to grumble but his eyes met the man's Adam apple which was moving up and down, enjoying the cold beverage. Gordon tried hard not to look but he was so conscious of the naked man standing in front of him as if it was nothing at all to be buttocks air out like that.

" - You're coming in ? " A naked woman asked from the bedroom's door. " Oh !" She exclaimed surprised when she saw Gordon. " Is he going to play with us ? He's an omega ?"

She was already coming towards Gordon. Her big boobs were bouncing and her private part weren't covered.

" - You doesn't smell like one," she said to Gordon.

" - I-I'm a beta," Gordon stuttered.

" - Come join us !" the woman said trying to grab Gordon's arm but the man next to her stopped her hands.

" - Times up," he said. " I need to go to work tomorrow."

" - What ? Already ? But you didn't even cum once ! "

The man didn't answer, focused on the little beta in front of him, who was trying to figure out where to look. His cheeks were so red from embarrassment and he was doing his best to avoid looking down, though he already seen it all.

" - Can I sleep here ?" The woman asked after, while pouting.

" - No." The man replied promptly.

Gordon let them bicker and decided to go back to his room. He sighed and lay down on the bed. It was already 4 am.

Since that night with his husband, a whole week had passed. Gordon didn't call Yuto and he didn't go back to the countryside. He was pretty much tired and was spending his days sleeping and eating. He was depressed, torn and conflicted.

He wanted so many times to go back to Yuto to have an explanation but he knew that it was just because he wanted to forgive the man because of his love for him. Thank god, his phone had gotten smash when he almost got into an accident. Sometimes he thought if only he had died that night so maybe…

He was pulled out from his dark thoughts when the door of the bedroom opened and the man appeared.

This time he was wearing a pajama pants and from the smell and his wet hair, he just had a shower.

" - Where is… she ?" Gordon asked.

" - She went home," the man answered with his normal cold voice.

Zaizen Collins was a dominant alpha and Gordon's junior during his college years. He was four years younger. And though the man was younger than him and his older sister, Zaizen was a close friend of Gisele.

Before Gordon's omega mom married to Gisele's alpha mom, Gisele, Zaizen and Akihito were already friends even if six years were separated the boys from the older girl.

Gisele was in high school when Akihito and Zaizen - who were in middle school - started to follow her everywhere because she was pretty tough and she didn't really care about making good impression to others.

When Gordon came to Gisele's life, he met the boys and became friends with them though he was pretty shy. He was closer with them during college where he was their senior and their mentor. Eventually, Gordon drifted away when he met Thomas - his best friend - and Yuto.

It had been years since he saw Zaizen. So when he met the man a week ago he was surprised but relieved.

Zaizen had permitted him to stay with him until he found a solution to his problems. And in seven days, Gordon learned five things about the alpha :

- Zaizen was a clean freak

- He has insomnia

- So he tends to have sex with different partner before sleeping

- He's a slave of work

- And he's still as cold as ever

The condo Zaizen was living in was pretty big and there were two bedroom. The first one was used for Zaizen's sex activity and the other was his official bedroom, forbidden to his sex partners. And now, Gordon was occupying this second bedroom with the man though the only thing they did was really sleeping.

" - Have you met Gisele yet ?" Gordon asked while the man was turning his computer on.

" - No. I will meet her this afternoon," Zaizen said as he put his eyeglasses.

" - Don't… tell her that I'm here… and…"

" - I'm not going to tell her anything," Zaizen interrupted him.

He sat next to Gordon. Their shoulder were touching each other but Zaizen did not care. Another thing he noticed about the alpha, was that he didn't know about personal space. That didn't ring a bell in his ears. He was treating Gordon as if he wasn't there but, not in the sens he was ghosting him, no, more like he had no shame in front of the beta.

Gordon had a small smile. Zaizen had always been this cool about everything.

" - Can… I ask you to buy me something ?" Gordon asked softly.

Zaizen seemed focus on the file he was reading but Gordon said anyway :

" - I need… a… I need a phone."

The silent was long before he heard :

" - Okay. "

Gordon sighed in relief and thanked him.

" - You asked me to investigate him."

Gordon felt his stomach twist from his words. Yesterday, he had asked Zaizen if he could investigate Yuto and Maki. Zaizen was known to be really good in this type of job just like Gisele. But Gordon didn't want to worry his sister.

" - Do you want to read it ?" Zaizen asked.

Gordon nodded.

Zaizen gave him the computer. Gordon started to read and every words were a slap to his face and a hole piercing his aching heart.

Maki and Yuto were in a relationship since two years ago. Their affair started during Yuto's first big business trip.

Gordon couldn't help but tears when he saw Yuto's old schedule. He had only three business trip last year but he used this excuse many times to see Maki. In his memory, Gordon remembered his husband telling him at least every month that he had to go on particular town or country to help the local hospital. Now he knew it was a lie.

He then saw that Yuto didn't have to work late these past months but he lied to Gordon saying he had to stay late in the hospital but in reality he was with Maki.

He saw a couple of picture of Yuto and Maki in and out of motels or in and out of each other's apartments. And just like Gordon suspected it, Maki had spend a week at Yuto's apartment before Gordon arrived.

Gordon pushed the laptop when he felt nauseous. He fled to the bathroom and threw up.

He was too weak to move and too sad to cry. He then felt a cold washcloth on his forehead. Zaizen sat next to him and slowly brought his head on his shoulder. He flushed the toilet and massaged Gordon's flat tummy.

When he noticed Gordon's breathing was more even, he picked him up and carried him to the bed.

" - I could very well summarize the report for you," Zaizen told him.

Gordon shook his head.

" - I needed to know...I needed someone to open my eyes." he then said.

Zaizen sighed.

" - Okay. Know that whatever you decide, I will support you and help you as much as I can, " he said.

" - Thank you," Gordon muttered. " Then… Can you… help me pick up my things there ? Yuto work from 3 am to 7pm most of the time. I will give you the passcode to the door. "

" - Okay. Sleep now," Zaizen said.

Zaizen switched off the lamp on the nightstand and turned his back to Gordon to let him have a bit of privacy. He could have sleep in the other room or in the living room but Gordon had insisted for them to share the bedroom. It was a queen size compared to the double size bed in the other room.

After some times,maybe ten minutes, Zaizen could hear Gordon weak tears. For the last couple nights that was what Gordon was doing. Crying in silent after making sure that Zaizen was asleep.

The alpha was insomniac so sleeping wasn't his forte. Sex was his way to cope up with the lack of sleep and the tiredness that was killing his body everyday. Since Gordon was here, he didn't stop his night activities. But for some reasons even after sex with his partners, he still couldn't sleep. So he faked it.

Most of the time he would take a nap in Akihito's office. Though the man was his boss, he was his precious friend too. So Akihito would let him sleep during an hour or two when he was too tired.

Zaizen woke up at 9am. He had a tough time to find sleep but he managed somehow when Gordon fell asleep and rolled over to hug him in his sleep. Maybe because Gordon was older than him and sweet compared to him but, Zaizen had always found Gordon's presence kind of peaceful.

To his surprise, Gordon wasn't next to him. So he left the room only to find Gordon in the kitchen.

The island table was gathering scrambled eggs, grilled sausages, pancakes, seasoning salad and some side dishes.

When Gordon noticed Zaizen, he smiled at him. He seemed tired but less dejected than before.

" - I made you something to eat. Because I don't have my card on me, I used your credit card to buy some groceries in the near convenience store…" Gordon said shyly.

His head was down, as if he did something really bad and was waiting for a scolding.

" - Coffee," Zaizen said with his deep low voice from the morning.

Gordon did as he was told. He brewed some coffee with beans from Italy and made a delicious coffee for Zaizen and him.

They ate their breakfast in silence.

Gordon wasn't really disturbed by Zaizen's silent personality. Actually, he found that pretty calm. Since his younger age, he had always asked himself what the alpha had in mind but after many years, he knew that Zaizen was really simple.

It was true that he found the alpha a little bit weird and that his way of living his life was not to Gordon liking but, for the most part, Zaizen was gentle… in his way.

Zaizen was letting Gordon know before he brought his partners in the condo. Gordon had already heard Zaizen explained the rules of his house to his partners but for some reasons, he never said anything to Gordon. Nevertheless the latter did take note about things like, not touching Zaizen's things and cleaning behind himself everytime he used the bathroom and the kitchen.

The only thing that would really bother Gordon, was the moans in the other room when Zaizen was busy fucking.

Gordon had never set a foot in this room. The smell of alpha's pheromone were too strong. Even if Gordon was a beta, he had always been sensitive to alpha's pheromones. He hated that.

" - Write down the door passcode," Zaizen said, interrupted Gordon's thought. " I'll go pick up your stuff first and then I will buy you a new phone. "

" - Thank you. I promise you to give you back the money when I had my stuff back…"

" - No worries. It was my fault to begin with. If I didn't pull you hard, your phone would not have fall on the road."

" - No… I'm already living here for free. I'll pay back the phone."

" -Do what you want," Zaizen sighed.

Gordon just smiled as an answer.

" - Before visiting Gisele, I'll bring your stuffs. I need to do some side works for Aki so I'll probably be late," Zaizen said.

" - Okay… so tonight you're not going to…"

" - If you understood, don't open the door for anyone," Zaizen said.

Gordon nodded.

Zaizen was aware that Gordon wanted to be alone. That was why he thought he was going to stay in a hotel for the night. Moreover, he really had some things to do for Aki. Doctor Reinz will be in town for the next two weeks and Zaizen wanted to keep an eye on him. This man was despicable and Zaizen had already found enough proof to put the man in jail. But Aki had told him to wait and to watch the doctor's movement. For now he would do it.


Yuto sighed heavily, making his old friend and coworker, Jason turned towards him.

" - Are you still waiting for his call ?" Jason asked.

Yuto nodded.

" - Man… you really screw up this time," Jason said. " I told you to break everything with Maki and you… Fuck ! Gordon is a great man. He is the best thing that came into your life and you just…"

" - I know !" Yuto shouted.

" - So why did you do that ?"

" - I don't know… I just…"

" - You know he's going to ask you this question. Find something to say because with this, you're just digging your own grave."

With his last words, Jason left the room to do his night shift.

Yuto let out a deep sigh. He was scrolling his messages with Gordon. Most of the time, Gordon was the one texting him first. He would diligently ask Yuto how was his days, if he ate a good meal at noon, if he slept well, if work wasn't too hard. Gordon would always encourage him when he fell too tired and too down to tell why he was angry or why he was frustrated. Since he started seeing Maki, he never went in the countryside again to visit Gordon. The latter was the one who sacrificed his time and his work to see Yuto.

Yuto groaned as he felt more bad. Jason was right. Gordon was the best person he had ever met. He had never regretted dating Gordon and when he asked him later to marry him, he was more than happier that Gordon had said yes. But… he had ruined everything just for mere carnal desire.

Yuto felt his eyes burning him.

" - Fucking dumbass…" he whispered to himself.

His tears started to fall down. Suddenly, his phone rang. His heart skip a beat but the disappointment knocked his hope when he saw Maki's name.

He let the phone rang, not wanting to answer. He decided to finish his work and to go back home to sleep.

Two hours later, he went home with heavy step. He didn't want to go back there. He wanted to distract his mind from everything.

Yuto stopped when he saw Maki sitting on the floor, in front of his door.

" - What are you doing here ?" He asked already irked.

Maki stood up and said :

" - I was waiting for you. You… never came that night and you don't answer your phone."

Yuto sighed and opened the door. Maki followed him quietly in the apartment.

" - Are you angry with me ?" Maki asked.

Yuto sighed again not answering him.

" - I…"

" - Look, let's just stop everything," Yuto said.

" - What do you mean stop everything ?"

" - Maki… I love Gordon. I can't be with you. I don't want to loose him…"

Maki's heart sank. He didn't say anything for a while before he started to laugh.

" - You should have reject me properly then !"

" - I rejected you !"

" - You never did ! "

" - If you didn't get your heat…" Yuto murmured.

" - You're a real dickhead ! So it's my fault now ?!"

" - YES !!!" Yuto growled loudly, making Maki jump. " An omega can't be with a beta but you just did what you wanted even when I told you I was married ! "

" - Said the man who takes off his ring before he met me and moan my name when he fucks me" Maki said coldly.

Maki couldn't react. Yuto strangled him and pushed him against the wall.

" - You're just a filthy omega ! Love ? Who would love someone who spread his legs so easily !! "

Maki was suffocating. Yuto let him go and look at the omega, while he was struggling to breath again.

" - Please. Just go. Don't let me do something we will regret… both of us," Yuto said more calmly.

Maki didn't waste time and stormed out of the apartment.

Yuto let himself fell on the couch. His head was aching and he was feeling tired. He took his phone and tried to call Gordon again but it went directly to the voicemail. So he wrote another text message which was not delivered again.

Too exhausted, he went in the bathroom to take a shower that was when he finally noticed.

Gordon's toothbrush wasn't there anymore. His shampoo and towel were missing too. Yuto ran to his bedroom and opened the closet. It was half empty. Most of Gordon's clothes weren't there and some of his belonging like the books he always forgot on the nightstand and his phone charger were not there… Instead, on the pillow, what he saw was Gordon's ring and a the divorce's papers.

" - No… No no no !! " Yuto screamed before he took his jacket and ran out of the apartment.

He had to find Gordon. He was never going to sign those papers.


That morning, Haru did not wake up. Akihito had to do everything in silent. He took a shower without his husband and ate without him. Because of Haru's pregnancy, Akihito thought it was a good idea to spend the morning with him.

These past days, Haru was always sulking. He did not want to say why but he would pout now and then though he would still cuddle with Akihito and kiss him before he went to work.

When it was almost 10am, Akihito decided to wake up the little omega. But as soon as he opened the door of the bedroom, he was attacked by a sweet powerful smell.

Haru was sweating and trembling. He was crying too. His shirt was wet from sweat and a slick juice was coating his thighs.

Akihito almost lost his balance. His inner alpha was already excited, literally jumping from a sudden wish to devour the little omega.

Without saying anything, Akihito left to find his injection, a sort of powerful suppressant for Extreme dominant Alpha, and he injected himself the medecine in his own neck.

He waited a brief second before he went back to the room where Haru was crying, curled up while apologizing.

" - Shhh shhh… I'm here," Akihito said while sitting next to the omega on the bed.

He lift up the boy to put him on his lap.

" - You're in heat," Akihito said.

" - It's… it's im-impossible…" Haru stuttered because of the shivering.

" - But you are," Akihito said softly while he was wiping the sweat and the tears staining his omega's cheeks.

" - But… I can't have my heat anymore and… and I'm pregnant…" Haru said.

" - I'm going to call Pam and we will know what's happening," Akihito tried to calm Haru.

The latter nodded. So Akihito called his sister from the phone on the nightstand. He explained everything to her while he was stroking Haru's back. When Pam said she will come right away, Akihito hung up.

He pecked the omega's lips, earning a beautiful small moan.

" - It hurts…" Haru whined.

" - Where ?" Akihito asked panicked.

Haru blushed but nonetheless, he lifted his shirt.

Akihito froze. Haru was hard. Really hard. The rod was standing up proudly, drooling from the tip. It was a beautiful pink and peachy color and already glistening, as if Akihito had already licked the member until it took this sexy shape.

It was the first time Haru was this hard. First heat and first real hard on.

" - Hum…" Akihito hummed.

He put his finger on top of the full length earning another moan from the omega.

" - We should take care of this before Pam get here," he whispered.

Haru did not let him finish that he kissed Akihito. His moans were filling the alpha's mouth who couldn't control himself anymore.

He grabbed Haru's round ass cheeks and massaged them without breaking the passionate kiss.

His fingers danced on Haru's thighs, making the omega shudder from the light touch.

Akihito carefully lay down Haru on the soft mattress. The omega was staring at him with his beautiful eyes. He was panting weakly, already lightheaded by his husband's kisses.

Akihito rained a lot of feather kisses on Haru's neck while undoing his shirt. He then kissed his chest tenderly and when he reached the belly bump, he kissed it carefully and put his forehead on the bump, like he wanted to connect with his unborn baby.

" - Daddy will not hurt you.. I just want to ease mommy's pain," he whispered to the bump before he pecked the mild hot skin of Haru.

Haru slowly caressed Akihito's hair and smiled at him.

" - It's showing up," the alpha said with a tender smile.

" - It's going to be a big baby," Haru said.

Akihito moved to face Haru.

" - A beautiful and healthy baby," He said then. " I hope he will have your eyes."

" - Why ?" Haru asked genuinely.

" - I love your eyes. Since the first time I met you, I always thought your eyes were talking for you. Everytime I wanted to know how you feel, your eyes would tell me everything. What you like. What you hate. What you want, what you wish for… You have the most lovely eyes in this entire world," Akihito.

Haru was blushing hard. He hide his face with his little hands and said :

" - You're saying that because I'm your wife."

" - Not really," Akihito chuckled. " But I love you. So I would always find everything about you beautiful. Even when you discreetly steal my underwear even though you know I don't like it."

Haru looked at his husband and almost pouted but Akihito kissed him tenderly. He slid his tongue inside Haru's soft mouth and swallowed the moan that came out in response.

Haru let out a delicious moan when he felt two fingers slipped inside his wet hole. He spread his legs, and his waist moved in sync with Akihito's fingers.

The Alpha went down on Haru. He gobbled the rod and Haru cried out from pleasure. His head bobbed up and down, swallowing the hot dick while he suckled the sensitive tip and licked the delicious skin.

Before Haru could cum, Akihito released the rod. He took out his own cock which was dripping from his angry gland and heavy from excitement.

After he put a pillow under Haru's back, he slowly penatrated the hole. Haru moaned. Sparkles in his head, he could feel the pleasure all around inside his body. He bit his lips when an orgasm shattered him. His cum spurting all over his belly and his hole gulped Akihito's organ.

The alpha groaned, as he watched his omega having a sensitive and pleasurable orgasm.

It was the first time that Haru was ejaculating. The climax, though fast, seemed intense. Akihito did not move. He was appreciating.

Haru was still trying to adjust to these sensation he thought he lost forever. But here… he was in heat, he was hard and he had released semen without fear, without feeling hurt. Just a pure pleasure he was happy to share with his husband.

When he opened his eyes, Akihito was contemplating him. The chain around his neck was hanging down, letting Haru see his ring.

Akihito's ring was around his thumb. He reached out to touch his ring. Akihito started to move slowly inside him. He lay down completely on top of the omega who embraced him gladly.

Their moans were making love as much as their body. Their souls were embracing each other as much as their own mouth. Akihito was savouring his wife first heat and Haru was climaxing again and again from the love his husband was pouring diligently inside him.

Twenty minutes before Pam arrived, Haru and Akihito took a bath together, making love again in the tub. Then Akihito cleaned the bedroom and ventilate the room to let the mixte pheromones escaped.

But Haru was still releasing a huge amount of pheromones.

He was now lazing in the couch with a hot pack on his belly with only Akihito's big shirt on him. Because he was wetting, the omega refused to wear a pants even an underwear.

Even after all the love he made with his husband, his hole was twitching and pleading him to let his husband's cock loading his inside with his cum. He was itching to touch himself and he almost did it when Pam rang at the door.

Haru sat down and covered himself with a blanket Akihito had put at his disposal.

Pam was wearing a mask though she could still smell Haru's heavy pheromones.

She examined the omega and indeed, he was in heat. It was weird, knowing that he was pregnant, he shouldn't have his heat, at least until the baby was born.

After further examination, she decided to ask Haru some questions. Since the first time she met Haru and knew about his conditions, she had some speculations. Yesterday, when Haru visited her at the hospital, she did a blood test. The result would be here this morning. She told the lab to call her directly.

" - Haru, when was your first heat ? Not today with Aki but when you discovered you were an omega ?" Pam asked.

" - Around… my sixteen I think."

Normal age for omegas.

" - And when did you stop having it ?" She asked.

Akihito frowned but Haru answered nevertheless.

" - When I was with Silas."

Akihito wrapped Haru with his arm and put a kiss on his ear. Haru took his hand tenderly in response.

" - I know it will be hard for you to remember… but… having your heat while being pregnant is not typical. So I have some suspicion of the why, but I still need to have some answer. Actually, with the result of your blood test, my doubts will be solve but the solution is in your memory…"

" - What do you mean ?" Haru asked weakly.

" - What happened… that day ? When you had finally noticed you will never have your heat again ? I need to know.."

" - Pam !" Growled Akihito.

" - Please, trust me. It's for him and the baby. Being in heat can be dangerous for the baby. If you want me to help you, Haru has to help me," Pam explained with calm.

" - But…"

" - It's okay," Haru reassured the man.

He then took a deep breath and started explaining :

" - My heat would always last three days every month. The tenth, the eleventh and the twelfth. No more no less. It was the three days where Silas's patrons would visit the most. So I remember. And it was the only three days they would not drug me to trigger my heat.

I noticed I couldn't get my heat when they started to drug me even during these three days and when the drugs wouldn't do anything on me anymore. Sex was painful but naturally I became accustomed to the pain."

Akihito nuzzled his face on Haru's neck. The omega smiled.

" - Did something happened to cause this ?" Pam asked.

" - The… baby," Haru said with a trembling voice. " I got pregnant. Because the father could be anyone and no one except Silas was ready to be the father of my child, they forced me to abort. Silas wanted a child from his blood and the others didn't want a child from a whore like me. "

" - Don't say that," Akihito said. " Don't hurt you with your own words. I hate it…"

Haru put his hand on Akihito's cheek.

" - Hum. I'm sorry," Haru said with a soft smile.

" - So everything happened after the abortion ?" Pam asked.

Haru nodded.

" - Why all these questions ?" Aki interrogated her.

" - I think… Haru is a dominant omega." Pam said.

Haru and Aki exchanged a look.

" - Dominant omegas can get their heat during pregnancy. It's mostly to protect themself. " Pam said.

" - Protect ?" Akihito repeated dumbfounded.

" - Why do you think I have a mask ? Before coming here I had to take three suppressants. You're his husband and you're…" she stopped on her sentence and looked at Haru.

The omega seemed worried and confused. She then looked at the couple's joined hands on Haru's belly. Pam decided to continue :

" - You're an extreme dominant alpha. That's why you can bear his smell."

Akihito stiffened and glanced at Haru who didn't bug at Pam's words.

" - Your pheromones smell awful," Pam said to Haru. " It's a smell to repulse any predators. A smell to protect yourself in case of assault. "

" - But… he was with me," Aki said after a while.

" - I guess something is tormenting him," Pam said.

Haru didn't answer but his silent was already an answer in a way.

" - I will receive the result from his blood test later. I'll send you the paper by email." Pam said to her brother. " I'll go. It seems you have something to talk."

She didn't waste time and let them alone. Akihito moved to sit in front of Haru.

" - Is there a problem ? Are you angry with me ? You seemed dissatisfied with something these past days," He asked worried.

Haru clenched his fists.

" - My love… if you don't tell me, I can't help you. I can't even save myself from your anger. I don't want to fight. I don't want to tire you out during your pregnancy so tell me… Hum ? Tell me why my wife is down and wants to attack me with his heat ?" He smiled during his last sentence.

Haru sighed and glared at him with a determined look. He finally asked :

" - Are you cheating on me ?"