I hate mornings and Mondays are definitely the worst of them all.

Grumbling and cussing out whoever invented Mondays I began to get ready for school.

All my life I've known I was different from the other kids I mean it's not news my mother abandoned me and ran away still I yearned for happiness and their approval.

I wasn't a regular girly girl rather I'm what you'll classify as an average girl.

I wore black joggers paired with an oversized black tee and made my way to the kitchen.

I bumped into my Dad on the way, he wore his usual cheery smile and even though I could see right through it I still played along.

"Hey Champ" he said giving my forehead a kiss and pulling me into a bear hug

"Hi Dad" I said returning the hug.

"Have breakfast then I'll drop you off okay?"

I nodded and gave him a small smile, I walked into the kitchen and saw 2 of my Aunt's in a very heated argument.

"Beth you can't keep being so hateful, he's your own flesh and blood what's gotten into you" Aunt Mira said facepalming herself while glaring at her sister

"Mira I can't believe you're saying this to me, you forget so quickly how Jaxon threw our advice out the window and got married to that sly Jane who in turn snatched everything from this family. I mean we literally went from grace to grass. You have some nerve to be on the side of that witch and her venomous offspring" Aunt Beth spat angrily.


I thought in my head

Venomous?? Really?!

Why this woman despises me so much will be a mystery to me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked in casually like I didn't just overhear their previous discussion.

I made my way to the stool beside the kitchen counter and sat on it.

"Morning Aunt Beth, seems like  you didn't wake up on the right side of the bed today" I said staring at her blankly

She returned  my gaze with a  glare but before she could utter another word my dad walked in with a very stoic posture

"Bethany we need to talk"

"Jaxon I also need to speak to...."


My aunt pursed her lips together and walked away angrily.

"Give me a minute Scar I'll be right back" my dad said.

"Scar" aunt Mira began "Please ignore your aunt's comments i know for a fact that she loves you and one day she'll come around."

I scoffed at that

  Typical aunt Mira.

She was the family's peacemaker, I internally snorted when she said aunt Beth loves me.

That woman hates me to death

I just gave her a hug to ease the tension before walking to the car. I met Aunt Beth at the door and she glared at me but didn't utter a word, I just rolled my eyes and went to the car.

Dad came into the car shortly after and I watched as he held in tears, I knew he couldn't tolerate it whenever i was humiliated and he couldn't hurt his sister too. He loved us both and i knew how difficult it was taking sides for him so I gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"It'll be alright Dad, I want you to know I love you no matter what".

He just smiled at me sympathetically and ruffled my hair. The drive to school was oddly silent after that conversation and it left me feeling all weird and soppy.

When we got to school, I quickly hopped out the Jeep then waved my dad goodbye and stared at the hell hole I was forced to go to daily.

I exhaled deeply and walked towards the entrance, I knew everything would be fine as long as I don't run into...

"Well well well if it isn't miss wannabe, how's your morning going bitch"

I mentally facepalmed myself, just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse

"Isabel it's so nice to see you again, nice chit chat but I really have to be on my way now"

"Not so fast you idiot I'm not done talking yet"

Isabel said and gave me a wicked smirk. Her minions a.k.a co-sluts snickered behind her and also started to glare at me.

I felt my heart rate quicken.

What was she planning to do this time?.

"Uhm Isabel" I started quite alarmed

"like I said earlier it's really nice to see you again but class starts in about 5 minutes and I really wouldn't want to be late".

I was just about to take a step forward when someone pushed me with such force I fell and bruised my knee.

I watched as everyone burst into laughter, with a heavy heart i turned around to see that someone was none other than Tyler Jones the number one hottie and badboy in school.

I gently stood up, swallowed the lump in my throat and limped to the clinic promising myself not to cry because they weren't worth it.


Thank you for giving this story a chance