"There, it's all bandaged now. Are you sure you won't lie down and rest for today I mean I could come up with an excuse so you won't have to attend classes" Nurse Jada said looking at me with hope.

"Nurse Jada for the fifth time today I'm reassuring you that I'll be fine. I really appreciate your support though, it means a lot to me".

She pursed her lips together,gave me the antibiotics and then sighed dramatically "If you say so Scar."

I just laughed and promised to come for regular check-ups till I get better.

I always feel a pull whenever I'm with Nurse Jada, the calming aura around her makes me feel at home.

I wish


I've heard stories about how mothers are blessings

Mine was a curse that I never wanted anything to do with because she only caused my Dad suffering.

He suffered pains and abuse physically, emotionally and not to mention the occasional backlash from his own younger sister, he bore his burden well all these years and in my next lives I'll want absolutely nothing to do with that woman. I only wish Dad finds someone else to fill up the void in his heart.

On my way to the cafeteria I sighted Isabel, her cohorts and the dickhead she calls her lover.

"Seriously I need a break from all this crap" I thought aloud to myself. Already sensing trouble I just wished and prayed to whatever gods were listening that she'd trip or something, anything to get them out of the cafeteria and not notice me.

To my utmost surprise Isabel who was at that moment standing on her tiptoes to kiss Tyler on the cheeks suddenly tripped but not before knocking his tray of Mac and cheese all over the place.

I burst into laughter together with everyone in the cafeteria as she started screaming and wailing like a 3 year old on the floor, her minions came to her rescue and took her away amidst the laughter.

My bet was that they were taking her to the girls locker room to get changed, I was so caught up in laughing I hadn't realized the whole cafeteria had quietened down till I heard footsteps beside me.

"What's so funny you moron"

I avoided his gaze "I remembered something"

He came closer to me and grabbed a fistful of my hair. I groaned in pain and tried to free myself from his hold.

"Please Tyler let me go"

"How dare you mock my mate" he said angrily


As in soulmate?

I thought they were just dating when did they get married?

"So you have a hand in this?" he said letting go of my hair and staring at me fiercely.

Okay he has seriously lost it.

Yes I wished for her to get distracted and leave the cafeteria but I'm definitely sure it was just luck.

"Tyler you're over reacting really, I've already told you I wasn't mocking her and I was only standing at the entrance few minutes ago how could I have a hand in-"

I was cut off by a hard slap accross my face,so hard I fell from the impact.

"You're a nobody so don't you ever speak when I'm speaking"

Tears welled up in my eyes and this time I couldn't hold them in,I know I said they weren't worth it but I was really tired of enduring.

I heard heels clicking on the floor followed by an obnoxiously high pitched voice and instantly knew who it was.

"Ty baby what are you doing with this tramp,leave it let's just go"

"Yeah man leave this bitch alone you have better things to attend to" His friend Peter said to him

Tyler glared at me one last time before leaving,

his army of followers trailing behind.

I clutched my cheeks and gently stood up, the waterworks were unstoppable as I calmly walked back to the clinic.


I watched as she was slapped and I eagerly waited for her to retaliate, what I didn't expect was for her to breakdown in front of them.


So much for being 'her'

I called Sire immediately, "Hello sire"

"Have you found her yet?" he said

"I followed the lead sire and it led me to a human-"

"Simon, Did I or Did I not tell you that until the job is done do not phone me?"

I pursed my lip together before speaking

"You did Sire"

"You were asked to find her and bring her to me before the academy does,not examine her physical strength you idiot"

I was annoyed but I didn't show it,if he got a whiff of my anger he'll kill me for sure.

"I'm sorry sire, I will bring her to you"

He hung up and I heaved a sigh of relief, I wonder why Sire wants her anyway she'll just be a burden to us all.

I went back to where I last saw her but she was already gone. I facepalmed myself, was I really gone that long?

I sniffed the air trying to trail her scent and my whole body went stiff. I didn't just find her scent, I found someone else's.


I punched the nearby wall and groaned loudly, darn those academy fools sending a nymph to get the job done.

I hastened my steps and looked for her frantically, if they found her before I did Sire would definitely kill me.

~ A/N ~