The Unknown (Scarlett)


I awaking feeling happy, warm and safe, to the sound of a phone buzzing. My eyes fluttering open, blinking several times to adjust to the light streaming through the window. Loki’s arms were still wrapped around me, his breathing deep and even. I smile to myself. I was surprised he was still here; I honestly thought he would have left before waking up this morning. Like he had the last few times we had shared a bed together. But he had stayed. I traced my fingertips over the outline of Loki’s tattooed arm. Enjoy the feel of sparks igniting between us as I stroke over his warm-toned skin.

Imagines of last night flood my brain, causing my cheeks to flush with colour. For a heartbeat, I wondered if I had dreamed up everything that had happened between us. But from the soreness between my legs, I knew I hadn’t. So instead, I had given Loki everything.