Complications (Scarlett)


I really was not in the mood to go back to school. However, I didn’t have the option of calling sick; I was still on my probation despite being on my second week back. Karen had even called in to excuse our absence on Friday, but the principal still extended my probation due to lateness and ‘behaviour issues’. I think he was just bitter he didn’t get to kick me out.

I kept my phone off since the argument with Loki yesterday and was glad when Adam didn’t come home last night since I wasn’t sure I could stomach his questions. I hadn’t even spoken to Storm, which of course, I felt guilty about, but honestly, but I had needed some time alone to think. Besides, it wasn’t as if she was alone; she had Karen. Still, I would make sure a point to visit her after school to explain anyway; it wasn’t her fault her brother was a manwhore.