All About Juliet


The next day, Travis called someone that early in the morning. "Young Mr. Choi, what can I do for you?" the voice from the other line greeted Travis with respect.

"I have an assignment for you." Travis said. 

"Of course, Young Mr. Choi."

"I want you to give me a detailed report about a certain girl named Juliet Park, I want it this afternoon, that's all." Travis ordered, and the man on the other line did not even had the chance to reply as Travis put the phone down after stating what he wanted to be done.

"What's with this sudden interest with a girl?" Travis's older sister, Trina Choi, who just arrived last night from Paris asked as she heard her brother's conversation on the phone with someone.

And by the looks of it, Travis was probably a private investigator. Trina thought. 

Travis smiled mysteriously before retelling his sister about the incident at the mansion. "You see, she's not a primpy and cry baby kind of girl and she's definitely tough."

Trina smiled softly. "A perfect pair for Travis don't, it's about time she comes into your life." She mused, there was a sound od teasing in her voice, too. 

Travis's vein popped. "Don't say stupid things, Trina!"

"You're the stupid one, stupid!" his sister ranted back. "You won't recognize your own feelings even if it hits you on the nose!" She pointed out. 

"You!" Travis growled at his sister. "Why did you even bother to come back here when all you'll do is to irritate me!" He grumbled. 

Trina just shook her head and rolled her eyes amusedly at her brother who was throwing tantrums at her - was what she liked to call it when he was acting childish and loud. 

Trina Marie Choi was a supermodel and she mostly stayed in Europe since most of her runway stints was in parts of Europe, mainly in Paris. 

Trina smirked as she ruffled Travis' messy longish hair. "That's the idea, dummy!"

"Stop messing with me!"

Trina grinned. "But I like messing with my brothers. I know you missed me, too!" She declared with a laughed. 

Travis' glowered at her retreating back after leaving him at the living room to go up to her room on the second floor. 


"I heard that you've been doing something reckless again last night, Juliet." Eiren Park told his only daughter. He was frowning with worry. 

Juliet looked up from her bowl of cereals as a wicked smile appeared on her lips. "And I won all the prizes." She declared proudly. 

Her father laughed. "That's what I thought!"

Her mother, Luisa Park, shook her head with disapproval. "I really don't understand why you do this stuff, Juliet, a fine lady doesn't do such ridiculous and reckless things."

Juliet chuckled. "Really mother, those snobs' tea parties that you're attending is alienating you to think like that. Must be the effect of too much tea and gossip."

Luisa's eyes widened. "Of course not, I'm just looking after your future. A husband doesn't like a reckless lady for a bride, and I attend parties not just because of social visits, but it's also part of dealings with further possible business ventures."

Juliet rolled her eyes. She won't understand the rules of the upper crust society even if she was part of the so called high society. She was just born different. She doesn't care about social standings or whatever. She had a craving to be free from those rules. 

"Anyway, speaking of finding a possible husband," her mother continued, "I think you're in the right age to meet someone for an arrange marriage, you can have a long engagement until you finish studying, and a friend of mine thinks you'll be perfect for their son, Henry. I already met him and he's a very fine young man with such good manners. He'll be attending Columbia University next semester." 

Eiren's brow furrowed. "You mean the son of the shipping magnate?

"Yes, of course!" Luisa confirmed with a nod. 

"A good choice, but don't narrow down your choice yet my dear," Mr. Park said. "I'm still waiting for the Choi or the Lee to 'talk'to us."

Luisa's smile brightened. "But of course, I only want the best for our only daughter, don't you want to add the Hastings?"

"I heard that the Hastings are affiliating themselves with the Miller family." Eiren informed his wife. 

"They're out, then. Anyway, do pray that the Choi's will contact us soon, they have a great standing in our society out from all of our choices for our dear Juliet. But I do hope that Juliet will have the time to at least meet Henry. It's not bad to always have another choice if everything didn't fall into plan." Juliet's mother pointed out. 

Juliet looked at her parents with disbelief. They were talking about her as if she was not there and her future was just like another business matter. Well, what did she expect?

"How about it, Juliet?" her mother turned to her, "You will have to meet Henry sometime, since the Choi's and Lee's are not yet contacting us. I guess it's time you come along with me when I attend some parties." She suggested to Juliet. 

Juliet stared at her mother who was smiling at her. She got up from her chair after drinking some water. "I don't know mother, I got so much to do."

Luisa's smile faded. "Juliet Park, it's best if you follow my suggestion or you'll end up just like Carrie Hudson…"

"Who is she?" Juliet asked with a frown. 

"Exactly my point!" her mother said.

Juliet rolled her eyes, expect her mother to watch over the downfalls of the has been's - as Luisa liked to put it. "Anyway, I'll see you later guys," she kissed both her parents on their cheeks before she headed out.

"Really Eiren, your daughter needs a little taming. She'd done enough bad publicity. Even my friends knows about it thru their son's and daughter's who knew Juliet." Luisa said after their daughter exited the dining room. "It's time for her to be engage to someone. It might mellow her a little."

Eiren nodded in agreement to his wife. "And do you think that kid named Henry is the right guy for her? Our daughter is such a lively young lady, if Henry is timid. Juliet will just trample him." He reminded his wife. 

Luisa sighed. "I don't know, but we can try. Henry is every bit the gentleman, Juliet would probably just make fun of him, but I hope his good character would sway our daughter." Luisa shrugged. 

"We'll see." Eiren could only, but he doubt his wife's belief on that guy named Henry. 


At the Choi mansion that morning, Travis was having his breakfast when a man in black suit appeared and approached him.

Travis's brow raised. "Did I not tell everyone not to bother me while I'm eating!"

Trace who was silently eating, and who looked like he was still half asleep shook his head. His twin brother was really a hot head. They were like the yin and yang twins when it comes to their personality. 

The man backed away a little. "My apologies sir, but I thought you might want the results about Ms. Juliet Park right away."

"Why didn't you say so in the first place," Travis's demeanor toned down a bit as he took the portfolio the man was giving to him. 

The black-suited man disappeared once Travis had his hands on the folder and then someone handed the man an envelope for payment for his work being done and delivered. 

Travis smiled triumphantly and mischievously as he read about the girl named Juliet. "Interesting…."

"What is it that you're looking at, son?" Trinity Choi - the twins and Trina's mother asked - as she appeared at their dining room and sat at the other end of the table. The maids started to serve food to the Madame of the house.

Travis shrugged before he talked about Juliet.

"Ah….the Park heiress…" Trinity's eyes sparkled as she thought about what the Park Company could add to the Choi Empire after they become affiliated together. "I heard about her but I never had the chance to meet her yet, she will be a nice choice for you if you ask me, except for the rumors about her having a unique attitude and demeanor, but that can be improve."

Travis's brow rose up. "Mother, you do know that I'm calling the shot at this and not you, so back off!"

"I know that son, but making sure that she'll be a part of the family through her parents won't hurt," Trinity said as she called for her assistant.

"Yes, Madame?" The assistant asked. 

"Contact the Park's, I want a private meeting with them."

The assistant vowed before leaving.


"Hey Juliet, you're late!" Blaire complained as Juliet parked her car in front of her.

"Sorry, can't help it." Juliet said as Blaire got inside the car.

"I heard about what you did last night at a house party. You're lucky they didn't follow you when you left. I heard Ben was furious." Blaire told her. 

Juliet smirked. "He couldn't follow me, nor his hoodlum bodyguards, because I beat them up already." She shrugged.

Blaire shook her head. "You're so reckless, Jules."

"I'm helping Alaric." She reminded Blaire. 

"It's his trouble in the first place, so should you be the one who'll need to clean his mess up? He's troublesome." Blaire said in disapproval. 

Juliet didn't defend Alaric. Blaire had a point, anyway. "I told him this is the only time I'll help him with this kind of thing. I'm not wonder woman, you know."


"Imagine that…" Travis grinned as he saw a car parked not far away from where they were parked.

"What is it with you today Trav? It seems like there's nothing that can make your day bad." Devon noticed.

"You're right," Trace said as he fill in Devon about their mother's plan and that Travis had Juliet Park investigated. "And there my friend," he motioned to the car. "Trav now knew that his Princess is just within his kissing distance and yet he never noticed about her before."

"Geez, now I know," Alec looked excitedly at the car.  "I also never knew that the Park heiress is our schoolmate."

Travis glared at his friend who was sitting at the back seat of his car. "Now that you know, I expect you to stay away from her."

"Chill, bro," Alec chuckled. "Even if she's as pretty as a goddess, I won't exchange the ladies that I'm currently dating right now just for her."

"And the reason we didn't know she's also studying here is because she's low profile at school but that doesn't mean she's a push over." Trace informed them. 

"How did you know that?" Devon asked Trace. 

Trace shrugged. "I might've heard some student's are talking about her before but I never thought it's actually her."

"Well, now that everyone knows about her, better back off." Travis warned his friends, especially Alec. 

Alec chuckled as he shook his head. 

And yes, Alec was a serial dater and a playboy, and he had a harem of girlfriends. The ladies knew about it but they never complained, as long as they were pampered and spoiled by Alec. 

"Don't worry, your girl is not my type." Alec said. 

"Better be it….. or else…" Travis warned.

"And who's with her?" Devon asked Travis.

Trace looked at who was Juliet with, "Probably one of her friends."

Travis looked at the two girls again who was getting out of the car. "Yeah, one of her pose. There's another one, but it seems she's not with them."

"She looked cute though." Trace suddenly muttered.

Travis's vein popped, he was feeling jealous even if it was only a comment from Trace. "You! Just shut up!"

His friends laughed at him in unison.

Travis was annoyed!