Don't Mess With Me!

"So, do you have any plan on meeting with that guy your mother is trying to arrange a meet-up date with you?" Blaire asked Juliet with a raised brow. She was also teasing Juliet. 

Juliet scoffed at Blaire. 

Blaire laughed. 

While waiting for Alaric and Chloe to arrived at their school at the parking lot, where Juliet and Blaire were leaning on Juliet's sports car, she told Blaire about what her mother was planning. An arranged meeting date and an impossible-to-happen marriage-in-the-future with the guy she didn't know personally. And she doesn't have any plans on knowing or even meeting, thank you so fucking much! 

Juliet frowned before she shook her head. "Of course not. There's no way I'll go on a blind date that is fixed by my parents." She even made a face. "Sometimes I question myself if my mom really knows my personality well. Didn't she realize that I'd probably just end up making the poor fellow cry?" She said sarcastically.

Blaire chuckled at what Juliet said. "He'll probably tell on you to his mommy if you bully him."

And they both laughed. They were laughing so loud even the other students who was passing near and in front of where they stood were looking their way. 

"What's so funny this early in the morning?" Chloe, their other friend asked with curiosity after she arrived and found them laughing their heads off. 

Chloe was sent to school by one of her family's chauffeured car that was why she wasn't driving her own car like Juliet, or sometimes Blaire when she was not feeling lazy. 

"About how Juliet can easily make the guy that is suggested by her mother cry back to his own mother like a bullied little boy." Blaire explained with a smirk. 

Chloe shook her head with an amused grin. "What a poor boy, then."

"You should all symphatize with me instead. Since I'll be the one who'll listen to them act and sound so boring and annoying. I'll definitely die of boredom and then I'll be irritated and will probably bully him more - that ia IF I even meet him." Juliet told them. 

"I think your mom needs to think of arranging you to date with a bad boy instead of straight laced boys." Chloe suggested teasingly. 

Juliet laughed mockingly. "My mom will probably combust if she has to settle of finding a guy who would interest me instead."

"It'll probably change your mom's mind if said guy came from a good or well-known family. " Blaire pointed out. 

"A rebellious guy from an affluent family?" Chloe asked. "Do we even know someone like that?"

Juliet shrugged. "Maybe or maybe not. We'll never know because I have no plan on agreeing or going to the meeting date my mother arrange for me."

Chloe looked worried. "But your date will expect you. Even if you want to defy what your mother want you to do, the poor guy will probably be affected by your rebellion." She reminded Juliet. 

Juliet sighed. Expect Chloe to be such a good girl, to the point that she'd defend the stranger boy Juliet was supposedly meeting for a blind date that she was planning to ditch. 

"But I can't go either. They might think I'm agreeing with their plan if I give in to their request." Juliet reasoned out while shaking her head. "There's no way I'll go. No way!" She said determinedly. 

And that was final. No one could sway Juliet's decision once she made up ajd finalized her decision. Juliet was not the wishy washy type. 

Blaire smirked. "Well, what if we make fun of your aupposed blind sate instead?  Like, we'll show up but just to tease him and then make him run back to his mother and cry and complain." She suggested mischievously. 

If there was any one much wilder and sinister than Juliet - it's Blaire. 

While Chloe was like the one balancing them and the neutral and polite one. 

"Well, I don't know... The poor guy probably had no clue he's being sent to the slaughter of his pride and dignity - once he run back to his parents crying foul." Chloe pointed out. 

"It'll be fun. At least he'll know in advance what he's getting himself into. This'll be like a guy test if whether we approve of said guy or not for our dear friend. Of course we only want the best and happiness for her." Blaire explained with a joyous grin and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Then she turned at Juliet. "What do you think, Jules? I'm right, right?"

Before Juliet could answer Blaire's suggested idea, Alaric arrived. He was a mixed emotions of hopeful and worried when he approached them after exiting one of his friend's car who sometimes gave him a ride - after he lose his own car after a game of cards and he never had the guts to tell his parents that was why he kept it a secret and the only way for him to go to school was to ask some friends to give him a ride or get an uber ride. 

"The troublemaker has arrived." Blaire announced with an eye roll. 

Alaric snorted as he lightly chucked Blaire's chin. 

Blaire narrowed her eyes at him, reasy to unleashed her claw. 

"Oh, cool down, B. I only came here to ask what happened last night?  Is it a success?" Alaric asked Juliet. 

Chloe was frowning and confused. "What happened last night?"

"Like I said, the dickshit is a fucking troublemaker." Blaire remarked. 

"Aren't you one yourself,  too, right, dear Blaire?" Alaric retorted. 

"At least I don't beg and plead to my friends to get me out of my own mess." Blaire pointed out. 

Alaric, who was fair skinned, was getting redder by the minute. Probably because of Blaire's taunting. He was getting annoyed and angry, because what Blaire said was actually true, so he had no right to be angry, but fuck he still was! 

Juliet shook her head, took the key out of her pocket and handed it to Alaric. "Here you go. Don't lose or gamble them again. I won't retrieve it again the second time."

Alaric nodded. "Yeah, got it. Thanks, Jules. I really really appreciate this, and if you need my help, anything at all, as long as it's humanly possible, and nothing seriously dangerous, I'll try my best and help you out."

Juliet grinned. "Good. Because you'll be meeting my blind date and intimidate him or something. I'll send you the details on your phone."

"Do we know him?" Alaric asked. 

"No. My mom knows his mom, though." Juliet explained. 

"Let your mom date him, then." Alaric joked. 

Blaire snorted, Chloe sniffed, and Juliet gave a narrowed eye look at Alaric. 

"Are we having parents' joke now?  Because if we are, I bet your dad was fuck-" Juliet started. 

"-fine, my bad, it's not a good -" Alaric. 

"-ing his assistant." Juliet ended. 

"-joke." Alaric ended with a grimaced. "Really, Jules?  You went straight to the fucking? Harsh. I need to scrub my brain now."

Juliet grinned and shrugged. 

Blaire chuckled and Chloe rolled her eyes, her ears were a bit red, too. 

Alaric's dad's assistant was a straight male and almost thirty years younger than his father. 


Juliet and Chloe were swiping their debit card to pay for their lunch at the counter of their school lunchroom, their morning class was already finished, they were on their way to look for somewhere to sit when Chloe tripped on something. 

"What the fuck!" Juliet cursed as she looked behind her. She saw Chloe sprawled on the floor and her tray of lunch were now scattered on the floor. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Chloe, didn't see you there." One girl who was sitting on the chair near where Chloe tripped said while looking down at her mocking, technically, it was the girl's foot that caused Chloe's fall.

Juliet glared at the girl. It had been a while when someone stupid enough who dares to challenge them in the school's hierarchy. 

"Well, I guess you're really stupid!" Juliet muttered with disgust and sarcasm. "Hmmm….eating lunch with your common stupid bitches, eh. What? Planning something more foolish plot, I suppose…"

"Shut up, Juliet!" The girl - Monica hissed while flipping her hair to her back. "If it weren't for your much respected parents, students and other people in the well-respected society won't even recognize you…"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Juliet's eyes narrowed as she helped Chloe on her feet.

Chloe was glaring and gripping the tray she was holding so hard it was almost having a cracking sound.

"You know, stealing is really a very serious crime? Not to mention all the crazy stunts and trouble you did." Monica shrugged as her airhead friends' snigger.

Juliet raised her brow. "Monica, since you have money, go buy a brain. Your current one is doing you no good." She mocked. 

But in her thoughts, Juliet was seriously thinking who was stupid enough to spread the rumor about the gambling and too much imbibing at the party last night? Party like those were meant to be a hush hush kind. She wouldn't be sorry to what would become of those who snitch. Juliet sure knew Monica and her crew of airheads was not at the party last night. 

While Monica scoffed at Juliet. 

Chloe on the other hand grinned evilly. "Oh, and better buy a new face, too!" And she pretended to tripped again and directly smack Monica's face with the tray she was holding very hard. 

Monica shrieked. Her airhead friends were all shocked and some jumped and yelped, that was how hard Chloe smacked Monica's face. 

Chloe laughed like a lunatic. 

Yeah, Chloe was the polite one of their group of friends, but she also fights fire with fire and she'd never back down. 

"I told you, you're a fool." Juliet told Monica. 

Monica was now crying, her nose bleeding and crooked, her lips swollen, bleeding and chapped, and her face was so red. She could even feel a few of her teeth was slightly displaced! 

And without looking remorseful, Juliet and Chloe walked out of the lunchroom.

Not far away, almost in the middle of the lunchroom, Travis and his friends were seated at their regular table, the commotion really took their attention. Well, who wouldn't? The tray really made a loud impact. 

"Now, that's something we don't see everyday." Trace commented. 

"It's Monica's fault. She shouldn't poke a sleeping bear." Alec said as he shook his head. 

"How many teeth did Monica loose?  Care to bet?" Devon asked while smirking. 

While Travis on the other hand doesn't really care much about the fight. "Juliet really is such a cool headed beauty amidst the chaos."

Travis' friends all stared at him. 

"The point here is about Chloe smacking a tray at Monica's face while making it looked like it happened accidentally because Chloe 'tripped again'." Alec pointed out. 

"And so?" Travis asked, his brow raised. 

Trace shook his head. "Don't bother, Alec. You know he only focus on what interests him." He reminded their friend. 

"Yeah, yeah,  I remember." Alec agreed. 


At the Choi Building….

"Hello, Mr. Park?" Trinity Choi spoke as someone picked up the phone on the other line.

"Yes, who's this?"

"I'm Trinity Choi, I'm sure you've heard about me. I asked my assistant to call you back earlier…."

"Of course, of course, who wouldn't know you Madame…"

"I called to speak about my son and your daughter….and I guess a phone call won't clear all the details…." Trinity let her words hang.

"I understand," Eiren Park agreed as he knew what they were talking about already. "We could arrange something about this meeting."

"I'll expect you and your family at one of the restaurant the Choi family owns, " she gave the exact address of the restaurant.

"We'll be there, Mrs. Choi."

"Until then." She hung up the phone afterwards.