Bumping into a glutton

Chapter 8

Jay's POV:

I ran through the whole campus but I can't find her. I wanted to see her one last time. Where are you Ms. Anne. Someone told me she is on the library so I rush there and finally able to see her, "I'm about to leave just now, its so lucky you are here. I also want to say goodbye to you Jay." I embrace her and, "Thank you for all Ms. Anne." She is so warm as always but now I felt something heavy inside her and the way she speaks. She is in pain. "You really is a nice person Jay, take care of Quinn and your self. Goodbye." I can't do anything as she passed by me as she leaves. I am powerless.

Does she really need to leave? I know she eventually will but why so sudden. I thought it would be after the end of this semester. I don't even got to share to her that me and Quinn finally made up. Missing her is not that hard. She is a very good person after all. I started walking around the hallway but I'm so down that I keep looking at the floor while walking thinking. As I walk I bumped into someone and realized im already at the cafeteria. I have no idea how I got here but I got shock when someone grab my collar. Who is this lady and why is there too many foods on the floor? "Now, how do you expect me eat my food? Do you have a death wish you fool? Bumping into others and not saying anything. You don't even seem sorry about it!" This is the moment I realized that I messed up. I immediately apologize and its not really my intention to bump into her. " I'm very sorry! (While cleaning the mess on the floor) I didn't mean to do that. I'm spacing out and all off the sudden I ended up here." She looked at me with a death stare and," Apology not accepted. Sorry can't buy me new food and you know? I stand there for a time waiting on that line for my turn and that was my last money for today, treat me some meal and I will forget all of this." Luckily I have some spare money for today. This was intended for Ms. Anne. I really want to take her out for a date before she leaves but I don't get a chance. " Okay I'll treat you today as a sincere apology. Let's go to the counter and order all you want." Her eyes are shining as I speak those words and quickly get to the line. She really seems hungry yet patiently waiting for her turn in this long line. But as we got closer to the counter, " What! Are you serious its already sold out? There's nothing left to eat?" The woman in the counter apologize for there is nothing they can do. I grab her hand and, " Come on there is a restaurant near the school they serve delicious foods there. Don't worry it my treat after all." After we got there she immediately went straight to the vacant table and called the waiter. " I want 4 fried chicken 2 thigh part and 2 wings and also I want the gravy to be spicy but just a little bit, 2 mash potatoes, 1 chicken nuggets, 3 servings of fried rice with extra sunnyside up on top of each and 1 ice tea. Thank you! Ahh! Wait I also like this, 2 ribeye steak, medium rare and ice cream for dessert" 1 chicken nuggets and 1 ice tea? I thought she is ordering for the both of us. She looked at me and, "I forget to ask your name. I'm Alex by the way and you are?" Her hand is pointing towards me attempting to shake hands so I grabbed it and "My name is Jay." She seems to forget already what happened back then at the school. " Nice to meet you Jay. But are not going to order something for your self? I'm not gonna share you my food." I knew it. What she ordered is just for herself. She is a heavy eater but how could she maintain that figure and how could she finished that all? She is so fit. " I'm fine already. I am already full. Just a glass of water is enough. Thank you!" No I am not! It not enough, I'm very hungry running around the campus looking for Ms. Anne. But, if I order something for myself my wallet will suffer for more than a week being empty. After a while, all the orders have been brought to our table and as soon as it arrives she starts digging into it. Does she have a black hole inside her stomach? Where did all that food go!!! "What? Your an athlete in our school? That explains why you are so terrifying and where all that food go." She stares at me again and "Huh? I need that food to build my stamina but you said I'm terrifying? Does that mean I'm ugly or have a scary look or what? Your life depends on your answer." Here comes again her death stare "No no no, I don't mean it that way. Actually you are quite cute." This girl is scaring me. "Quite you say?" I pick my glass of water and take a sip. " No no no I mean your very cute and beautiful." She laughed at me and "Why do you look so scared? I'm not going to hit you or something. You treat me some food now we are friends." Actually she is indeed beautiful it's just she is intimidating. She has the perfect body figure and its not that surprising because she is an athlete. Her personality is not that bad. Yes she is terrifying but I feel like she is a good person. I don't believe this but I never noticed her before even though we are on the same school. While she is eating we talked a lot of stuff and that way we quickly get close to each other. While we are talking, someone put his arm on my shoulder and Alex was brought into silence giving the man a terrifying stare. " Who is this Alex? Your new boyfriend? You only belong to me bitch and to me only!" Alex stayed on silence. But I speak up, " Take off your dirty hand me. And who are referring to as your bitch?"