
"All happened when I was just a little kid. I was born in the royal family of Erys. I was always told that I need to learn how a princess should conduct herself in the high society and how to keep my image. At that time I hated all of those things. I just wanted to play like the normal kids and I always sneaked out of the castle. I had caused a lot of problems for my parents and my big sister but even so, they didn't get mad at me and tried to explain to me that is our duty to protect our subjects.


  "But I don't want to do it! I didn't choose to be a princess, I just want to be like the other kids. I don't want to be in this old castle all day, I want to be free!"


  "I know you want to but we can't do anything about it, even if you didn't choose this path you have to take it because this is our responsibility. Is alright if you don't understand now. I'm sure that will come a day when you will understand what I'm talking about but for now, just try to not cause too much trouble for our parents."


  My sister looked at me with a sad smile on her face and that was the last time when I saw her.

   In the middle of that night, I was woken up by my mother that had an anxious expression.


  "Dear, wake up and come with me please!"

  " Hmmm...? "

   I rubbed my eyes and looked at my mother, still sleepy. I didn't ask anything and I followed her until we arrived at a small room with a magic circle engraved on the floor.

"What is this?"

"Nothing you should worry about, just enter the room, and everything will be alright."

     I still didn't ask anything and entered the room. When I did it, the magic circle started to shine and when I looked back at my mother a little confused, I saw her forced smile and two tears falling from her eyes.

   "Dear, keep living... be sure to eat well and don't do reckless things, all of us love you a lot and that's why we want you to live, please don't hate us..."


  Before I could say something I saw a black sword covered in blood coming out from her chest and the light of the magic circle. After that, I was transported to another place.

  All my memories of what happened next are foggy. Al I can remember is that I was in shock. I was transported to the imperial family of Xirus, one of the strongest kingdoms on the continent, and later learned that my kingdom was destroyed and all the members of my family were dead. The one who did it was Kratos, one of the evilest people in existence. He planned to destroy all the kingdoms and be the ruler of the world. With his strength alone he destroyed my kingdom and other several ones.

   That was the moment when I changed. I swear that I will take revenge and I will keep living. I started to learn magic and become stronger but that wasn't enough. After three years, when I was 15, even the Kingdom of Xirus was destroyed and I, with several other princesses of the destroyed kingdoms, was sent to Earth, a foreign planet, to be protected."


   After this part of the story, I explained what happened next on earth and how I and Eric meet and what happened next.


  After I ended my story, Lyna's cries could be heard in the whole library.

"Why are you crying?"

"B-but...hic... It was so cruel...hic... why something like this wasn't recorded in our history books. Why were all of the ones who suffered so much were forgotten..."

Lyna continued to cry but Alice didn't stop her. She took a book from the nearest bookshelf and started reading. After some time the sounds of the girl crying stopped.

"Did you finally calm down a little?"

"Yeah but... aren't you even a little mad about this?"

"I don't think I'm in a position where I can be mad about this. Nor I, nor you know what really happened back then. Without knowing the truth we can't say what is right and what not."

"But even so..."

"It's alright, let the past be in the past, perhaps is better this way."

Alice didn't even take her eyes off the book while saying those words as a sign that she didn't care anymore about what happened.

Looking at that indiferent face, Lyna wanted to complain about it but sounds of explosions followed by people screaming started to come from outside.

"Seems like we have some company."

Alice closed her book while sighing and looked at the sunset trough the window.