How Many Times? [R-18]

(Reta POV)

"Urghhhhh" I awoke to a surging blaze within my body. Everything felt.. hot. My body was drenched in sweat and my back was disgustingly sticky.

'What the fu-' Instantly, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't move a muscle. My hands were painfully tied above me while my legs were spread wide open below.. My feet seemed to be strapped to the ends of something metal.

'Why am I naked-' I cracked open an eyelid, but all I could see was pitch black. 'Blindfolded?' I groaned. 'Did Owner set me up again?'

My breathing grew ragged as I pulled at the ropes holding my hands and feet. Nothing seemed right about the situation. Even Owner wouldn't go so far as to do this to me.

"Awake?" A high pitched voice squeaked in my ear.

GASP- I shuddered, twisting more fervently at the ropes in an attempt to break free.

'It's HER' I could feel my body instinctively react to her voice, making my head droop submissively as my lower entrance began throbbing uncontrollably.