Something feels.. Wrong

(Veronica POV)

'Hmm? Weird..' It happened as I walked down the hallway not long after I exited Matilda's room..

'Don't me and Maya own a similar shortknife?' I reached out, touching the sharp thing that had been abandoned at the side of the hallway.

'Holy shit. It's not a prop.' I held it gently at the handle, slightly relieved to observe that there was no blood on the knife. It felt oddly familiar in my hand..

'No way' I sighed. Security really wasn't so good here.. 'Let me report this to Reta..'

But Reta wasn't at the reception. In fact, no one was at the reception.

'Maybe she's on break..' An ominous feeling struck me as I glanced at the empty table at the lift entrance. Something felt.. wrong. The reception was always, always staffed.

The soft music playing in the room irked me as I decided to take the short knife with me back home. It would be bad if a guest got hold of it after all..