008 FirstXFight

"May 15 1993 8:43:26.654"

"I think I'm ready to fight in the arena." Silver said with a determined look.

For the past two months, he has been continuing his daily exercise and sparring with Killua. He could see his improvement with the 500Kg deadlift he is currently doing right now. He could also now stand his ground against Killua for a time, albeit he know Killua is still holding off a lot from him.

1 week through his daily exercise, Gotoh couldn't handle it anymore and taught him the ropes. Since then his improvement never stopped. He also learned that he is very talented in fighting. He could absorb and apply the pointers he got from Killua and Gotoh like a sponge. Whether it is the talent of this original body or his own talent, he'll probably never know. Testament to his talent, he was able to learn the movement technique of Killua and Gotoh that allowed them to move in and out very fast as if vanishing just by watching them do it during their spar. Not the rhythm echo step though, since Killua has yet to show it to him. And he never asked for it since Gotoh is always just an earfull during their spar, staying true to his words.

Not only that, Silver also took the time to watch the fights of other martial artists he fancied. He is currently in what could be called as the holy ground for martial artists, and he would like to take advantage of his high fighting talent and comprehension to learn them. With it, he was able to learn from multiple fighting practices such as judo, karate, Jeet Kune Do, boxing, grappling, wrestling and many others. Although he hasn't mastered them, he was able to gain insights from each of them and absorb it for his own.

Though tempted, he avoided watching fights in the 200th floor for he knows rushing into to things can only lead to ruin. He read from one of those fan fiction that the reason Killua was not taught nen at the young age was because he wasn't matured enough to decide on what ability he will create that would propel him to his maximum potential.

And Silver as a friend doesn't want to ruin Killua's future as well. So Silver patiently waited. He won't show anything to Gotoh and Killua that he knew anything about Nen. And besides, all of his time is used in training, watching fights and spar with Killua.

1 Month into his training, the news about the extermination of Kurta Clan spread, courtesy of Sheila. That day, he was specially motivated to train and spar.

Killua also improved these past months. It's like what they say, teaching others help you realize what you are doing wrong yourself and get to improve upon it. In canon, it only took Killua two months to reach floor 150. However this time, Killua purposely slowed down his ascent. He is currently in floor 100 as he would sometimes forfeit his fight. Silver continued to bet on him when there is a fight and right now he has about 5 Million Jennies in his account.

"Yup, I think you are ready. You should catch up to me then. I'll be waiting for you in floor 190." Agreed Killua.

"An hour later"

Silver find himself in his first official fight in the arena. A blue-silver haired kid stood in stage with his eyes closed as he steeled his nerves from nervousness from all the onlookers.

In front of him is a guy in his twenties with toned muscles.

"Gentlemen, I want a good clean fight. No weapons allowed and killing is an automatic loss. Obey my command at all times and protect yourself at all times. Good luck to the both you. Fight!" -Referee

"I won't be holding anything from you just because you're a kid. Currently there is a white haired Kid, #1234, who has been knocking out his competition left and right in the upper floors." Said the man then readied himself.

Silver acknowledged his words and prepared as well. 'Killua said to feel your enemy first before taking the shot. Gotoh said to make an opportunity if the other guy is cautious. Let's do that then.'

Silver circled the man as if observing his prey. The man followed him with his head while staying his feet. And when silver passed a little over the guy's point of view, he shifted his body to face Silver again.

The moment the man lifted one of his foot, Silver dashed to the man so fast he caught him unbalanced and unprepared. Silver then did his roundhouse kicked he practiced over and over from the moment he kicked the first ruffian.

The guy was hit solidly on his stomach and was launched just outside the ring.

"Out! #4321 win this round. Your next fight would be in the 20th floor." -Referee.

"That was exciting. Finally, I am no longer a cannon fodder." Silver celebrated by throwing his two fist upwards.

"In the house"

"You did great in your first match. You were able to create an opening and capitalize on it. It shows that our teaching did wonders for you." Gotoh approvingly said.

"Gotoh's right. You have made me proud. You can start worshipping me as your teacher. You can call me Killua-sensei."

"Sensei your ass, I'll mop the floor with your face!" Silver shouted as the two laughed and chased around the house.

"Sigh, they might be strong for their age but they really are just kids." Gotoh said while shaking his head. "I hope this trip won't end for a while. Master Killua seemed to be enjoying his stay here a lot."