009 UnexpectedXVisitor

"March 03 1994 14:23:28.324"

A year passed since Silver reincarnated.

Silver and Killua continued to grow on their strength and fighting skills. They are currently in floor 120 and 170 respectively. They realized that fighting with one another shows more improvement for themselves than fighting in the arena.

They would also lose every now and then from their fight, only showing that strong fighters also exist in the arena. They were given their own room in the tower, but they refused to use it since it doesn't have the room for sparring like their current residence.

In the past months practicing with Killua, Silver was able to learn  how to adjust his fingernails into claws as well. He first saw it when Killua killed the ruffian  months ago, and he used that as an excuse to asked about it.

Two weeks later and a couple more demonstrations he was able to replicate it. That both shocked and excited Silver as he smugly showed it to Killua and Gotoh. The former was happy for him while the latter didn't take it nicely.

The following monthly can only be described as hell month training for Silver lead by Gotoh.

After that, Silver and Killua found themselves competing for everything. They decided that they should tally their results for every competition they decided. Thus the rivalry similar to Kakashi and Guy was born. Currently the score is 105:104 in favor of Killua and right now they again found themselves competing on which hand of Gotoh has the coin.

"Right!" -Killua

"Left!" -Silver

Gotoh opened his palms showing the gold coin on his left hand.

"Told you it is in the left. Now were back to even!" -Silver

"Oi Gotoh, you should have moved the coin to your right!" -Killua

"I apologize master Killua, but that would be cheating."

"Gyahhhh" Shouted Killua in frustration. "The next one, I'll win for sure."

The two left on their own. Silver went to the gym to continue his weight training while Killua went to his room to plan for what to compete with next.

Gotoh watched this with a smile for a while without moving. When the two left, his smile disappeared.

"It has been a year, Gotoh. Did Killua reached the top yet?"

A relatively tall and bulky old woman appeared in front of Gotoh. Her hair is tied up into two pigtails, and she wears a monocle on her right eye. Like Gotoh, she wears a black formal suit. Her stance demanded respect in which Gotoh replied in kind.

"Reporting to lady Tsubone, according to my observation with the combatants of the arena and the rate of progress with Master Killua strength,  it is expected for him to reach the top in 6 months."

"Oh hoo. So Killua has been training diligently then, that is indeed a surprise. And what about the boy, Silver is it? What a wonderful name, almost similar to master Silva." Tsubone inquired.

"Master Killua has been teaching Mr. Silver how to fight. And in order to properly teach him, Master Killua has been training a lot in secret. I have never seen him this motivated before. At his current strength he would have beaten his self from a year ago black and blue." Gotoh replied without missing a beat.

"And the kid, is he a threat to Killua?"

"Just a toy master Killua picked up during this trip. It shouldn't hinder master Killua's future." Gotoh said emotionlessly.

"Hmmmm. You are too young to lie to me Gotoh. I saw how Killua treat the kid for a couple of days now. However it is indeed as you said, Killua's improvement has gone beyond expectation." Tsubone can't help but give a warm smile. "Alright, in six months I'll be picking the two of you personally when Killua reaches the top. That'll be all."

Tsubone vanished in the spot as if she was never there to begin with.

"Sigh, I guess this trip will be coming to its end then. 6 months should be more than enough for master Killua to have his fun." Gotoh can't help but looked at the direction of Killua's room. No doubt killua should be training as well. Even though he doesn't show it, Killua hates to lose so he always make sure he is at the top of his game when sparring with Silver.

"Zoldyck's State"

Tsubone reported her findings to Silva, the current patriarch of the family, and her agreement to pickup the boy in six months.

"So Killua made a friend. No wonder, however you said that Killua has been training deligently while you were watching?" Silva asked.

Silva is a tall, muscular man in extremely good physical condition. He has long, silver-blond hair with deep blue cat-like eyes. He is currently dressed in a purple sleeveless  shinobi shōzoku outfit and wears a pair of wristbands.

"Yes, Master silva. He is no longer the same Kid who left a year ago."

"And the kid? Do you see any problems with him?"

"No, Master Silva. The kid seems to understand that Killua is a Zoldyck and what entails. He never voiced out his opinion to the matter in the few days I was observing."

"Hmmmm. Very well. Keep this a secret until his return 6 months from now. You are dismissed."

Tsubone vanished with the command.

"I look forward to your return, my son."

At this time a woman in yellow bustle gown and a broad-brimmed hat decorated with feathers, fur, and flowers entered the room Silva was in. She is wearing an electronic visor while carrying the youngest zoldyck in her arms.

"Husband! Husband! Husband! Is Killua home? He has been away for a year! I already miss him so much! With his talent he should be at the top already!?" Kikyo, the mother of Killua,asked her husband.

"Not yet, I have sent him an assignment. He'll return at the end of September."

"Why did you do that!? He is just a child! Oh my baby Kil, you should get back home quickly. We still have more training in plan for you on your return."

"That night"

"Happy birthday Silver!" Silver was surprised by Killua and Gotoh. Killua dragged Silver all over the city that afternoon until they returned to be met by a luxurious meal at the house.

As a gift, Killua bought the current house with gym from the owner with the money he won from the arena and named gave it to Silver.

"I... Thank you for the both of you. Never had this grand birthday before."

That night was spent with laughter.