010 KilluaXSilver

"September 30, 1994 11:59:59:999"

Six months has passed quickly. 10,000 words omitted/saved by the author.

Killua's birthday has passed, as a gift, Silver bought Killua a skateboard. Not any skateboard, it is covered by a thermochomic paint that changes with the relative temperature of the board. It is sometimes a yellow board with red arrow in the middle or a green board with yellow arrow in the middle.

Killua who had gotten his 1st gift from anyone other than family could not hold off from tearing a bit.

Three month ago, Silver was able to learn silent gaits, walking without sound, from closely observing Killua's movement.

Silver also watched a lot more battles in the past months which further improved his form. In addition to all his exercise he can now lift 1.5 tons.

Killua also improved his fighting skill during his daily spar with Silver and now can also lift 2 tons.

With all the winning they did, Silver is now sitting comfortable with 2,000,000,000 in his account while Killua only have around 200,000,000 due to him gambling and losing a lot. He would also spend most it all on sweets.

Silver and Killua currently tied at 149:149 points. They decided that the last competition would be there fight in floor 190. They haven't spar with each other for a month now hoping to keep any trump card they have.

"The 190th Floor"

"Guess this is it, huh. Today will know who's the ultimate winner." -Silver

"Yes it is. It would seem it is also my last day outside the estate." Added Killua as he glanced at one area in the stands.

Silver also took a look and saw Gotoh sitting respectfully. At his side is a tall and bulky old lady wearing a monocle. At their front are two people he is so familiar with from watching HunterXHunter. Zeno and Silva Zoldyck, the grandfather and father of Killua, respectively. Arguably both one of the strongest people in this world.

Zeno is an old man of medium height with grey-white hair that stands upon his head and has a Fu Manchu mustache. He also wears alternating signs on his garb that say either "A Kill A Day" or "Never Retire".

"I see, however don't ever think I'll let you win because they are here. I'll show you what I've been cooking up this past month." -Silver

"I should say that to you. I have mastered a technique I've seen my father did."

"Gentlemen, I want a good clean fight. No weapons allowed and killing is an automatic lose. Obey my command at all times and protect yourself at all times. Good luck to the both you. Fight!" -Referee

The two Kids stared each other for a while, measuring the distance and feeling each other out. They have stopped sparring for a month to prepare for this fight so although they are very familiar with each other technique they could not leave out the possiblity that something has changed.

Silver took the initiative and ran quickly to Killua. Killua has experience this a lot from sparring. 70% of the time it is Silver who would always take the initiative. He would then kick or throw a punch to greet Silver and Silver would either duck or evade to the left or right. Killua is thinking he would take the next initiative the moment Silver dodges. So he made a half-hearted kick to silver and prepared himself for the moment Silver dodges.

Silver saw the kick coming and grinned inwardly. He has been doing this opening just for this moment. He knew Killua is generally stronger than him and to make a little bit of advantage he would trade a half-hearted hit for a stronger hit. So when Killua made his kick, he feigned a dodge to the right while actually taking a hit to his shoulder while he kicked hard in Killua's open rib.

Silver's plan was a success, he was able to fracture a rib from an unprepared Killua. Killua did not expect that kick; however, with his experience he was able to jump backward to minimize further damage.

Killua's pain tolerance was high, so although Silver fractured his rib he was still walking as if nothing was wrong.

Silver expected this and was not disturbed of what he is seeing.

The two then ran to each other with their kicks and punches and covered the arena with flashes of blue-silver and purple.

"At the stand"

"The kid knew Kil well. They must have done this spar for a long time. He knew Kil was expecting him to dodge and he capitalized on it." -Zeno

"Yes, and now Kil is suffering from it. It may not look like it, but in our eyes we could see a lot of openings due to the injury." -Silva

"What are your plans for the kid?" Zeno inquired.

"Nothing, after today we'll be taking Kil home and train him to be the successor. He won't have time to meet with the kid for a long time." -Silva

Announcer: "Look at them go at it, everybody! #1234 and #4321 are supposed to be friends but on this stage! on this day! They are enemies! They are like two little lion cubs who are fighting for dominion.

"What a dodge from #1234, that was a mistake from #4321 and now he was hit by a counter punch!"

"Didn't expect #4321 to use the momentum of the punch to do a roundhouse kick! A pity it was blocked!"

"At the stage"

Killua blocked the roundhouse kick, but the force pushed him back a meter and put him in an open position. Silver chased him and punch on the already injured rib. That punched hurt him and he was forced to escape and keep distance.

Kil might have a high pain tolerance but his training is incomplete yet. He is not the same in the anime where he can take pain as if it doesn't affect him.

Announcer: "Ohhhhhhh! That one hurt #1234. Give it up for for our fighters!"

The two again meet at the middle of the stage and continued their fight. Sometimes punches will hit Silver and then Killua would get a kick from silver too.

"At the stand"

"At this rate, Kil will lose." -Zeno.

"No, I believe my son is better than this." Silva argued as they both watch the two duke it out in the stage.

"Oh my, how our Killua has grown." Tsubone can't help but shed a tear.

'You both made me proud of your progress.' Gotoh inwardly said. He doesn't have the status of Tsubone who has the freedom to talk in the audience of their contractor albeit limited.