011 ConclusionXPromise

The fight continued for a few minute before they broke off. Silver has been gaining the advantage so far as he has been hitting the injured rib over and over again. Another rib have fractured from all those hits. If Killua took off his top right now, it would show a purple area around his lower right chest.

Killua also started to show he is affected as his walking is not as smooth anymore.

On the other end, Silver has his left hand dangling as it has just been dislocated by Killua in their earlier encounter.

Announcer: "What a fight we have here! On one end #1234 is unable to walk straight properly anymore. From my experience this is an obvious case of fractured bones. On the other side, we have #4321 with his left hand dangling. Looks like a common dislocation! Woooooahhh, what is this? He pulled it and realligned it himself! That takes a lot of guts!"

"At the stage"

Silver hold his left shoulder and pulled it like those in the movies. "Giyaaaaaahhh, that hurts" he shrieked from pain. After that he stayed in place trying to recover and have the pain pass.

Killua: 'I can't let this fight go on any longer. My fractured ribs are limiting my movements and has affected my strength. He really did do a number on me. I'll have to use that.'

Killua started walking around Silver in a very rhythmic pattern. Pretty soon there are more than 50 Killuas afterimage that is encircling Silver in the stage.

'The rhythm echo! Never thought you have this in your arsenal already.' Silver inwardly smiled. He never thought Killua will show it to him in this fight. He knew that Killua knew that he has a high talent in copying skill once he have seen it once or twice. Yet Killua still showed him this. 'I shall take this as a parting gift.' He smiled and nodded to Killua.

'This is the rhythm echo I have recently mastered from father's past demonstration. You can take this as my parting gift.' Killua circled silver for quite a while.

Announcer: "Ooooohhh what a surprise!!! What is this? Where is the real #1234? Can #1234 turn this around in one fell swoop?"

"At the stand"

"Have you taught this to him already?" Zeno inquired.

"No, I have demonstrated it to him once. But I never taught him how to do it." Silva answered while expectantly watching with his purple cat-eye. "From the looks of it, not only did he learn it, he is quite proficient at it with only a few off beat in the rhythm. Must be the fractures."

"But, why is he taking his time? He had let pass multiple openings there since he started." Zeno observed.


"Gotoh, I heard from Tsubone that this kid can copy any arts if given the time. Is this true?" Silva asked without glancing at Gotoh behind him.

"Yes, master Silva. That is indeed the case. Mr. Silver over there learned silent gaits just from being with Killua for a year. He has also learned how to potrude his claw from simple demonstration and explaination from master Killua. He has very high talent in physical kills." Gotoh answered without hiding.

"..." Zeno & Silva.

After a few moments of silence.

"Let it be then. A satisfactory gift for motivating Killua's improvement to this degree." Silva stated.

"Very well, you are the new patriarch afterall." Zeno conceeded.

"At the stage"

'This should be enough.' Killua thought.

All the Killuas afterimage then simultaneously ran towards Silver. All of them having no sound in their footsteps which confused Silver more.

Silver could not distinguish the real Killua from any of the images so he simply stand his ground and welcome the attackers. "If I can't know which one is true, then I'll just think that everything is real!"

One Killua throw a punch to his face, and he tried to catch the punch only for it to passthrough like a ghost. "Tsk, not the real one."

Another one came from the left side to kick his open side which he dodged. Another arrive on the right side this time ready to kick at the same time another throw a punch from the front. He moved his head away from the punch and block the kick coming from the side and was hit by a real kick this time.

He was pushed back by a few meters the edge near a waiting Killua who sent another punch his direction. Silver crossed his arms to block only for the punch to pass through again. However, before he could breath in relief he was hit by a liver blow from Killua followed by an upper to the chin which leaved him open to what's coming next... a demp-  a roundhouse kick. The force from the kick caused him to spit blood and pushed him out of the arena.

Announcer: "And #4321 is out! What a wonderful finish from #1234. This means we have a new challenger in our floor 200! A kid no older than 7 no less. Everybody let us cheer our winner!"

"At the stand"

"I am wrong, he has surpassed me in that already. I never thought rhythm echo can be used like that. He really deserves to be the next head of the family." Silva showed a rarely seen smile, or maybe a grin.

"After the fight"

"I won, it is now 150:149!" Killua  ragged. "This is farewell Silver. I enjoyed your company in this training. These might be the last time we'll see each other." Killua said while holding the skateboard Silver has gifted him.

"Thanks Killua for taking care of me. You have saved my life the first time we met and turned my life for the better this last year. We might not see each other for a while, but we'll eventually meet again. Friends always do." Silver smiled warmly as he promised to himself to meet Killua in the original HunterXHunter exam on January 1999.

"Friends?" Asked Killua.

"Yes, a friend." Silver confirmed as he offered his hand for a shake.

Killua took the offered hand and shook it. He look down the floor as if hiding is face and turned his back to Silver. "Then, till we meet again." As a smile and some tears escaped him.

"Till we meet again. Say thanks to Gotoh for me."

And then they parted. They will meet again in few years.