017 TomoeXHips

Silver and Bisky left roshi and Charanko and moved to a separate room in the dojo.

"First and foremost, you have too many fighting disciplines in you but none of them is truly yours. You can imitate someone but their experience is of their own and not yours. And during your fight with an expert like Charanko, this weakness can be exploited. You were just piecing together one strike after another hoping for the best." Bisky reprimanded.

"Tell me, how did you do it? How did you learn all those moves?" Bisky added.

"Ever since I started training last year, I somehow learned that I have a knack in copying others if I observe enough. So I always spend a lot of time in the arena matches, watching everyone use their craft to the fullest."

"Ok let's test that conjecture of yours." Bisky said as she readied a stance. "Try your best to copy me." Bisky started doing different stance, not demonstrated by Charanko yet, of Shingen-Ryu one after another. While doing so, she also observed Silver's eyes for any changes as he tried his best focusing. Right now they are still Crystal blue eyes. "How was it? Were you able to copy me?" Bisky asked after finishing the set.

"No. I don't always get the feeling. Maybe I need a little stimuli." Silver shook his head. 'I think I'm begining to understand, I always thought that if I just observed enough I will eventually learn it as a reincarnator perk. But what if all those times I am learning things I always have a scarlet eye? I've never learned of it because I haven't looked at the mirror at the time. And I've been so used to wearing contact lenses that I forgot my eyes can turn scarlet! But can I trust Bisky?' Silver contemplated.

"What are you thinking about?"

'Well she is the teacher of two protagonist in this world and my teacher as well, I'll take a gamble this time.' Silver looked at Bisky resolutely. And as if understanding her students change in demeanor she looked at him firmly as well.

Silver uncharacteristically removed his contact lenses in front of Bisky and made a stance against bisky. "Let's try it again. Osu!"

'Such a lovely expression. (♡_♡ ) I'll make sure to hone you like the aquamarine that you are.' "I'll begin."

Bisky rushed to Silver and attacked him with the forms she just demonstrated earlier. Silver tried his best to defend but would always get hit every 3-4 exchanges. Bisky at the moment is limiting her strength just enough to pressure Silver but not injure him.

A minute past after the spar and Silver's eyes turned scarlet. It is a complete contrast to his usually crystal blue eyes.  The irises became bright scarlet and in contrast the pupils became dark red it is almost black. The weird thing about it is that his pupil, that is usually just a circle, has a bit of a tail that makes it like a big black red tomoe.

Bisky saw this but did not let it distracted her and continued her attacks. However this time maintaining her current pace and strength, she is finding it harder and harder to hit Silver. Eventually after a few more exchanges, Silver started copying her movements. They continued there exchanges until Bisky is satisfied that Silver is able to perform all the forms of Shingen-Ryu. Bisky ordered to stop and they separated.

"Do you have a mirror, Bisky-chama?" Knowing where this is going, she immediately took a handy mirror from her shoulder bag without question and offered to Silver.

Silver is shocked to see his scarlet eyes for the first time. He knew that as a kurta and a reincarnator there is a high chance that he will also inherit the scarlet eyes. But he never expected a large dark red tomoe at the center as his pupil. 'Is this a sharingan adaptation of hunter X hunter? Fairy tail magic as nen adaptation and now this? Is there ninja art adaptation in this world as well?'

'It looks like this is his first time seeing his eyes turned scarlet seeing the bewildered face he is making.' Thought Bisky. "Now we know how you are copying martial arts and how they work, somewhat. Now we need to correct the arts you copied and make it your own."

"What do you mean, sensei? You have been saying it since earlier, about I haven't made them my own."

'Sensei? This... does put a smile on my face.' "What you copied is "ME" doing the Shingen-Ryu forms. In case you haven't noticed, earlier when you were demonstrating the Shingen-Ryu you have copied from me... well how do I put this." Bisky showed a perverted face he have when she first met Hisoka. "You move like a little girl with a grace of that of a princess. Ohhh those hips of yours is great to watch, great indeed.  Ehe ehe ehe." (*.*)

"Naniiiiiiiiii" -Silver