018 SystemXActivates

That day, Bisky started training Silver in earnest. Bisky pounded into him the basics of the Shingen-Ryu forms while sparring with him so that he would easily remember how to smoothly transition from one strike to another. It only took 1 week of intense training, with added benefit of scarlet eyes and Bisky's ability cookie-chan, for Silver to fully master Shingen-Ryu to the point that bar Nen, only Bisky can beat him in the current dojo. It is expected since he has been copying the skills of a grand master making him the youngest master of Shingen-Ryu.

Silver also keeped his promise not to practice Nen until Bisky allowed her.

"Congratulations Silver! You are now the youngest Master of Shingen-Ryu at 7 years old. You have also made the forms your own and not just another copy of me." Congratulated Bisky. "Do you know why I am restricting you to learn Nen?"

"No, Bisky-hime." Over the course of the week, silver has been using his silver tongue to get reactions from his teacher.

"You know your words doesn't work on me. Stupid disciple! (♡°♡ ) Back to the topic, it is because you haven't realized your full potential yet. Even now we are barely scratching the surface. Once you start training Nen your focus will change and I got a feeling that you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Thank you for thinking of me, sensei. What should I do next?"

"Hmmmm. At the minimum, you should be able to turn your eyes scarlet at a whim. Until then you are forbidden to study Nen. Your assignment, should you choose to accept, is to learn as many martial disciplines as you can while training to control your eyes. Now go forth and wreck havoc. Come back once you're ready."


The next day, Silver started his mission possible. He first enrolled to a boxing gym nearby where he met a young coach who owns a fishing company. He said he was a former champion but then took a punch to the face. Unable to let go his passion to boxing, he started to coach young aspirants. When Silver asked him if he plans to go back inside the ring, he answered it depends if Morikawa-san still remembers him. The young coach taught Silver how to properly throw jabs, straights, hooks, dodging and blocking, feigns, body blow, upper cut and dempsey roll. It took Silver 4 days to master boxing.

Next he joined a muay thai kick boxing gym, were he was also taught by an assistant coach named Buakaw Banchamek. Buakaw taught him the ropes where he mastered it in 4 days 8 hours 17 minutes and 18.547 seconds.

And thus starts the journey of Silver's gym hopping.

Silver was learning skills left and right as if picking rocks. If this was a system novel it would look like this.





A legend was born in those days. They say that there was a blue haired kid who has was so talented he learned all martial arts in 1 month and become the very best that no one ever was.

Some say that he was a vicious old monster clinging to life hiding in the kid's hair to absorb talents to keep himself alive.

Some say he was able to create the first ever japanese bread.

Others argued that he once killed three persons with an effing pencil.

There is even one person that is saying he got the most beautiful boquet of flowers from the kid that he then used to confess to the girl he likes, they got married the same day.

Others said he found the one piece.

Some say he learned basket ball to impress a girl but ended up as an interstate champion.

Some say he got a X scar on his left cheek. Rumors was also spread that if he looks at a full moon he becomes a 20 meters tall gorilla.

Story of the legend continues unbeknownst to Silver who is currently wielding a drawn bow and arrow. He released the arrow and hit the 2nd ring. "Darn it! This is harder than I thought it would." He complained as he looked at the target riddled by arrows in its 3rd-1st rings. It has been 2 weeks since he started picking up archery. Which is the longest he has ever gone to learn an art. 6 months has passed since he started his gym hopping and currently he is in a secluded Hikawa Shrine. Here he met his current master of archery.

During the six months, Silver continued to fight in the arena. He got a approval from the arena to continue his fight in the lower floors  but the odds on him in betting area are so low you might as well bet on the enemy and pray he wins.