031 HideXSeek

"Seek!" 'Light Nostrade' muttered as his hands passed through the glass and picked the diamond. He put the diamond in a bag and walked out the vault.

"Too easy, were they even trying."

As he stepped outside the vault, he felt a killing intent and dodged back inside the vault.

"Who's there?" Light asked.

"Hello there Mr. Nostrade, or should I call you Kid?" A blue haired boy came out of the shadow. "I saw your hand pass through the glass, is that your ability?"

"Just a kid? How'd you know I am Kid?"

"While chasing after Bisky, I got this nagging feeling that something is wrong. Why is it you that came out of the corridor, alone no less, and not the head guard? You who is supposed to be hiding right now. So I returned and saw you get the pink panther through the glass."

"Congratulations! You found me. But I unfortunately for you, you don't get a reward. I already have what I came for and it is-"

"This pink panther?" Silver asked while showing the gem.

"How? You got it when you attacked earlier? Magnificent!" 'Light' smiled. "So what are you going to do next, capture me?" 'Light' removed his disguise and is now Kaitou Kid who is wearing a mask and all white tuxedo.

"No, I won't. After all, I'm no crime hunter. Bye bye!" Silver smiled as he closed the vault from the outside.

"This kid!" Kid launched himself to the entrance but was too late as the door closed and locked him inside. "I got served. Hahahahaha." Kid laughed without care. "I got another failure on me. Why are children so scary nowadays? That Shinichi must have put a curse on me the last time I beat him."

"Hide." Kid muttered as he vanished on the spot then reappeared again a moment later. Sleeping gas cannisters also started appearing all over the vault. "Seek." He muttered again as his entire body pass through the entrance of the vault. He looked around but saw no shadow of the blue haired kid. "Hide." He muttered again as he vanished completely never to appear again inside the mansion.

Kid's ability is called Hide and Seek. Using Hide he can hide himself or something from anyone including nen users who are using Gyo and En. Using seek, he can place a tracker to someone/something or pass through anything. However he has to use them alternatively and every cycle removes the effect of the previous cycle.

Timeline of events.

1. At the time Kid issued the letter, Kid already visited the vault and placed the sleeping gas.

2. He used seek ability to add a trace to the pink panther.

3. He used Hide ability to hide the sleeping gas and placed a Nen rune on the glass so that when a Nen-user use "En" it will block his/her vision giving the illusion the pink panther is already stolen where in fact it never left the vault. Then escaped the mansion through disguise.

4. At 00:00:00 of June 1st he had his assistant pose as him and escape to lure the guards and the double star hunter while he released the sleeping gas.

5. As expected the double star hunter didn't doubt her "En" and chased after the culprit immediately.

6. He then posed as Light Nostrade to cast out the remaining guards.

7. He then went inside the vault and used Seek to pass through the glass and steal the Pink Panther. Since he used the seek ability again. The trace he placed on the diamond vanished.

8. He got cocky and didn't use hide immediately and was caught of guard by a kid.

9. He got trapped and used hide first since he just used seek cancelling the hide ability on the sleeping gas canisters all over the vault.

10. Then used seek to pass through the vault. However without the trace he can't find the pink panther.

11. Without direction, he took it as another loss and escaped from the mansion.

<10 minutes later>

Silver walked out from the shadow in a dark corner. He used In an advanced form of Zetsu in conjecture with the shadow hiding technique he secretly copied from Killua during one of their spars at night to completely vanish from Kid immediate pherepheral.

'So he can pass through things. But how come he didn't pass through it immediately earlier when I closed the vault. Are there other conditions?'

He then looked at Pink Panther in his hands contemplating. He placed it in one of his inner pockets and chased after Bisky for they might get suspiscious.


"He escaped." Gritted Bisky. "Why are there so many people trying to help him escape? He is a criminal!" Cried Bisky in frustration. "Oh my precious sorry I couldn't protect you."

'En.' She tried to use En again in front of these bystanders but nothing out of the ordinary stuck out. In the first place, she doesn't know the real face of who she is looking for. "Gyaaaah."

"Hunter-sama, we are here to assist you." The Nostarade security guards came in one after the other.

"Bisky! You were tricked!" Came in a shouting Silver. "The real Kid came to the vault when everyone left. Sorry I couldn't stop him myself, I'm not strong enough."

Bisky hearing this looked at the security guards menacingly. "Who told you to left the vault unguarded!"

Feeling the oppression every guard took a step back. "But we- were told to- told to back you up."

"Gyaaahhh, Useless each and everyone of you." Bisky punched everyone of them and they all comically went to thy sky vanished with a last sparkle including Silver.

"Why me~~~~~?" Screamed a vanishing Silver.