032 RealXWinner

"I failed. Waaaaaa. My precious pink panther tainted by the hands of a crook." Cried Bisky. She chased all night last night but due to a large number of bystanders just a moment of carelessness was enough for Kid to escape from her. Only to realize that she was chasing the wrong guy from the start.

"Oi oi. It's not yours to begin with. And even if you guarded inside the vault you would still be downed by those sleeping gas." Silver chided from the side.

"What do you know! As a stone hunter, I cannot forgive myself for such a lowly mistake." She cried further.

"It is okay Ms. Bisky. I'll still pay half the numeration of 300M for your service. The Pink Panther did not really matter. I was hoping I would be the one to finally capture him to boost my fame. Alas Kid alluded even me." Light Nostrade reassured her.

"Thanks Mr. Nostrade, and I'm sorry I failed this mission. This is one of the few times I failed a hunter mission." Apologised Bisky.

"Oh right, did you get a new fortune from your daughter Neon last night, Mr. Nostrade?" Silver asked casually but is really nervous inside.

"Yes, I can share you the first line since it already happened and I shall keep the rest for myself."

'At the shadow of the night, the kid will set the beast free.'

"It looks like it was destined to lose the Pink Panther to Kid after all. But no worries, the rest of my fortunes are promising. Thank you again Ms. Bisky." Nostrade tried to reassure her. Light woudn't want to antagonize a double hunter after all. If she practice her strength and influence, their Nostrade family might vanish in a single night.

He could never understand these hunters. They have all the strength and influence they will ever need in their lifetime, yet they do not (ab)use them. Instead they risk their lives over these so called 'hunt' of theirs for some cash and often for free. "Maybe that is why I am not a hunter like her." Light looked at the receeding back of the two 'kids'.

The master and disciple pair got the 300M from the Nostrade family and boarded an airship back to the dojo to continue Silver's training.

"Hey Bisky, what can you tell on the latest fortune? 'At the shadow of the night, the kid will set the beast free.'"

"Going with what happened last night, the 'shadow of the night' must have mean the blackout Kid initiated. 'The Kid' clearly states the thief Kaitou Kid and the 'free beast' should be the pink panther being removed from the vault."

"Catch." Silver suddenly said as he threw something to Bisky.

Bisky caught the thing and was shocked. "This. (°¤° )"

"I saw Kid take the gem and I caught him off guard to steal the gem back from him." He paused for dramatic effect. 

"You were right on the shadow and the beast being freed portion of the fortune, but I'm the 'kid' who freed the beast." Smiled Silver triumphantly.

"Waaaaaahhh. Silver you really are my best student!" Bisky gave Silver a big hug then occupied herself admiring her new baby in one of the corner in the room.

Bisky stopped admiring the pink panther and looked at his student currently staring at his own "Magical Beautician". "Still looking on how to improve it?"

"No, I already know the direction I want to improve it. I just want to know 'how' to actually do it. You see, magical beautician is a great ability but it lacks 1 feature for my taste."

"And what is it?" Curiosly asked Bisky. She had this skill for a long time and she is curious on how this student of his who only got the ability for a week to dare to call it lacking.

"It lacks the ability to adjust hair to be called beautician." Silver answered resolutely. Real beautician can also fix hair. As if on cue, Nen leaked out from his hands and went to the hands of Cookie and became scissors.

Cookie then used the new scissors to pass through Silvers hair which magically grew in length to 10 ft. high to the ceilling of the airship.

"Wow, it is as if I grew my hair for decades!"

Another swing from the scissor and it went back to normal length.

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

You have claimed the ability "Magical Beautician. You can now use it without Sharingan and Can re-use sharingan to copy another skill.

• Pat bisky in the head. X

• Call Bisky old sagging grandma. X

• Accompany Bisky complete her hunter mission. X

• Create modification to the ability "Magical Beautician". X

• The specific conditions must not be told to the other party. X

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks. X

• Ability can only be used currently while sharingan is active. X}

"I actually did it." Silver was in disbelief.