033 AbilityXCondition

"I actually did it." Silver was in disbelief.

"Let's try it again!" Excitedly said by Silver.

"I never thought of that!" Bisky called his own cookie and wished it to also learn how to cut hairs. However, it did not work since her heart's desire at the moment is not about her hair. After all, she has just been spending an hour with her precious pink panther. "How is it not working!?" Maybe some other day she'll accomplish it.

She exclaimed while looking at Silver who is currently have a fabulous blue and silver waist long hair as if a whole bottle of conditioner was poured over it.

"Now this is life." Silver said in satisfaction.

"Me too! Do my hair! Do my hair!" Bisky pleaded.

A minute later Bisky now have a long wavy hair down to her waist as well. If they stand together they look like the bestest of friends.

They giggled and enjoyed the new ability to their fill. At one minute silver is bald the next he has a man bun. Same with Bisky at one moment she has short hair and then next she has spiky silver hair like killua.

Silver settled with super saiyan blue hair style while Bisky with long wavy pink hair.

"So are all the conditions met?" Bisky asked.

"Yes, I have met all the conditions and now successfuly own a copy of Cookie. I can now copy another ability."

"Oh! You can talk about conditions now?"

"Yes, when I copied your ability I am instructed to complete tasks to fully own the technique. One of them is to not share the condition to the owner. And now that I have completed them I can now freely talk about my ability again."

• Pat Bisky in the head.

• Call Bisky old sagging grandma.

• Accompany Bisky complete her hunter mission.

• Create modification to Cookie

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

"Those are the task I need to complete. The first and second task is the reason why I called you that a few days ago. And the third task I requested to join your mission. The fourth task I just finished today. The fifth task why I can't talk about the conditions until now and the last task is more of the duration. I can't maintain sharingan for 4-5 days and that would have forced me to fail the task"

"What happens if you failed the task?"

"I only got one attempt per ability so I can't copy it again. Unless the ability is improved again by the owner, then I get another chance."

"And from the looks of it, each condition is unique for each ability. The fact that it knows I have a mission and hated to be called 'not young'  means it considers the current situation very well." Bisky deduced. "Promise me Silver. If you were given a task that it is too difficult you may die, unless absolutely necessary you should give it up."

"I understand." 'Well only if I can't do it after trying first.' Thought silver before suddenly feeling chills all over his body.

"I know what you are thinking, but no. The world is large and no one can really tell they know everything. Everyone might not be a Nen users, but there are definitely strong ones. And I'm pretty sure not everyone will be happy to know someone can copy others willy nilly. They might kill you just by knowing of it, or they might to try and steal it from you." Grievously warned Bisky.

"You're ability is good but currently you are still just growing. There only so much talent can do for you. Others, training and time is needed. Promise me Silver, only share your ability to those you trust. Better yet, don't tell anyone at all." Bisky looked at his eyes seriously so that Silver would take it in.

"Then we need to address your lacking of offensive ability. It is so happens we know someone who have."

"Hello Roshi." Bisky started with a big grin on her face.

"Why are you here? I didn't steal your panties!" Denied Master Roshi.

"You pervert!"

"We need you to demonstrate your ability." Bisky commanded.

"Wes wisky-wama."

The group of four including Charanko went to the backyard were large stones are scattered.

"This is the Hatsu I developed as a natural emitter. The Kamehameha is formed when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and Nen is concentrated into a single point between the cupped hands. The hands are then thrusted forward to shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy to obliterate the enemy." Master Roshi explained as he did the pose.

"Ka! Me! Ha! Me!" Nen started to concentrate on the palms of Roshi as he charged and shouted.


A powerful burst of energy was thrusted to the direction of a large stone which obliterated it into pebbles.

"Woahhhhhhhh! Soooo cooool" Charanko and Silver. (*.* )

"Do it again! Do it again!" Charanko and Silver excitedly chanted.


Silver lost all his memory about dragonballs as well.