042 SpideyXShocky 2

'You're dead' Herman dashed to Peter undefended back and threw a punch. However his punch missed and he got a powerful kick from the side instead. "How?"

"You think such an obvious trap will really work on me? But it is indeed a surprise to see you here Herman Schultz. Are you working for the Rottfelis?"

"I'm just a hired gun. When rich people want something gone... they give me a call." Herman dashed forward and again tried to punch Peter. But similar to their fight in the arena, Peter became warry of his gloves and kept on his distance. "Still afraid aren't you? Don't worry when I touch you it will be all over."

Herman dashed forward again and throw a a straight punch with his gloves arching with electricity.

Peter tried to look for cover and saw the mafia leader on his feet. Peter pick him up and use it as a shield.

"Arghhhhh." The mafia leader shouted in pain as he was both electricuted and get punched with Nen.

*Crack* The mafia leader's undefended (Nen) spinal cord was broken and fainted from pain.

"You bastard! How many lives have you taken?"

"15? 50? 100? A hundred and one now?" He looked at the fainted mafia leader. "I don't know I stopped counting after ten. Hahaha. What you gonna do about it, take revenge for them?" Herman spread his arms as he asked.

"You!" Peter was stunned. He did not expect such an answer. While gritting his teeth and escaping from another set of punches from Herman peter asked the questioned he wanted to be answered.

"Were you also the one who killed a policeman 3 year ago in this city?"

"I dunno, maybe?" Herman doubtly answered. "I'm not the only hired gun out here, and I'm sure he's not the only policeman who died that year as well."

"His name is Benjamin Parker." Gritted Spiderman.

"Ohhh, that guy. He was a good fighter, one of the best I fought before I learned Nen. Is he your father?"

"Uncle! So you really are the one!" Anger now flaring from Peter.

"Hahahahaha. Three years ago I did make some stupid cop named Benjamin Parker, disappear. Rottfeli's business was being targeted every night that year, similar to what you've been doing. That cop was a remarkable shot. Shot right through me from a far when I was escaping." Herman lifted his shirt and showed his bullet scar near his heart. "

Would have died back then too, but then he came to me and help me stopped the bleeding. He said something about people can change or something. So as a thanks, I put a knife through his neck. He died with his eyes wide opened. Hahahaha"

"I'll kill you!" Peter rushed to Herman.

"Hahaha come on. Let's mee see you finally grow some balls." Herman taunted.

'Stupid. I'll make sure to let you meet your uncle.' He readied himself to block the attack from Peter. And once Peter is stunned by his own stupidity, he'll make sure to quick put an end to it.

Peter, fueled with anger, threw a heavy punch to Herman's guard. The punch and gloves connected, however in the shock face Herman, Peter was not stunned. Peter put a lot of aura on that punch that launched Herman through the side of the van, making a big dent.

'So strong! He was not this strong in the arena. Also how did he-' then just noticed that Peter is wearing a thick rubber gloves to isolate the electricity from his shocker. 'He came prepared. But it won't matter. I'll just hit you somewhere else.' Before he could think something else, Peter is already running towards him.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" Peter throw series of punches to Herman's direction while also evading being hit by the stunner. Even though he is currently fueled by anger, for some reason his senses are flaring every time Herman tries to attack making it easy for him to dodge.

If Herman throws a right hook, he would bend his head backward evading it. Then when Herman is out of balance from the miss, he strikes him with his fist covered in Gyo.

If Herman strikes with his kick, Peter either block with his forearm or evad entirely before stepping in again for a strike.

Eventually Peter got accustomed to the speed Herman is throwing his punches and kicks, that subconsciously he lowered his Ken just enough to have a protection and used the rest of his aura on his fist.

'What is happening? His punches are getting stronger and he evades all my attacks even though they are hidden well!? At this rate I'm gonna lose. Where the hell is the backup?' Every second that passes Herman finds it hard for him to defend.




'Noooooo'. Then Sherman's mechanical gloves shattered from all the heavy punches from Peter. After that a series of punches hit him. He tried his best to flare up his Nen to the highest but it did nothing to the anger and determination that is fueling Peter's fist.

Punches would hit his face which forced him to cross his arms to cover it but a sudden punch to the stomach would follow. He tried several times to take hold of the punches or clinch Peter to stop but would always have his advances stopped at the last moment as if Peter knows what his next move is about. Eventually all his struggled ended as his consciousness started to faint. 'It's all over.' Herman started to lose his consciousness when something landed near them.


"He's here." Then Herman fainted with a smile.