043 SilverXBat

'Man is this really the trap? Even a child like me can tell something is up. It looks like they are not even trying.' Silver is currently overlooking the group of thugs from a roof opposite where Peter is hiding. Silver has been using gyo on his ear to listen to the group below.

"Man where is the guy? We've been doing this exchange of briefcase for 2 hours now. My arms are getting heavy."

"Shut up, you don't want to mess this up or you'll end up dead. Have you practiced your line? We don't want to alert him when he arrives."

"As if I need any practice. I'm a natural actor. You'll see later when he arrives."


Out from the sky a shadow swooped and attacked Silver. Good thing Silver was using Gyo on his ears and heard the attack coming. He dodged in a nick of time as what look like a big bat is now standing where he has been a second ago.

"Who? No, what are you?"

"I am Manbat, one of the shadow beast under the ten Dons, and who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a spectator. Saw something interesting below and wanted to observe."

*Achoo* "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit. You see, I've been following you jumping from roof to roof following the hunter for quite a while now, assassin. What puzzled me though is that you have a lot of chances to assasinate the guy but you didn't take it. It can only mean, you were hired by him."

Manbat says as if he knew everything about the child in front of him. "A child assassin and a black hair, you are probably a Zoldyck, the youngest child Kalluto is it? But orange gi? You are like a beacon at the dead of night. You need to go home and get more trainings child. The proceeding battle is not something a greenhorn like you can take place."

'Me an assassin? Well i did learn how to walk and hide as an assassin from Killua. Who is this Kalluto then, since he is the 'youngest' then he probably must be Killua's younger brother. No need to correct the misconception the other guy about me then.

"A tattletale, unfortunately I already accepted the payment." Silver answered as he walk in a rhythmic pattern that generated after images of him.

"Rhythm Echo? Zoldyck's famous assasination art to confuse the target. Unfortunately for you. Bats don't solely rely on their eyes to find its prey." Manbat closed his eyes and in a beat of a second flew straight to the real Silver.

"He knows where the real me is?" Manbat arrived quickly and sweep in for a kick. Unacustomed with the suddenness of the attack Silver could only cross his arm to guard. The attack hit his guard and forced him to slide a few meters back. 'That hurts.'

Manbat was taken a back. "You are a Nen user! No wonder you were assigned to take this task. But it is of no difference, a little kid like you can't make change the outcome." Manbat flew at a distance and again swoop in real quick. He then swung his claws at the tip of his wings to Silver. Silver tried to dodge but still got slashed due to the extended length of Manbat's wings. With Silver's Ken the claws didn't dig in deep, however 4 shallow scratch marks shredded the front of his gi and started turning red.

"Oh hoh. Impressive you survived that. But how long will you survive?" Manbat again rose to the air and repeated his attacks a few more times.

Silver would dodge and duck against the sweeping attacks but he still got hit two more times. One across his arms and the other on his back.

'Those reach of his are unnatural, is he human or is it something else?' Silver activated his scarlet eyes and dodged another attack. The feeling of learning the how to of the attack didn't appear to him. 'Is it because he is not human?'

Silver summersaulted away from Manbat and again used Rhythm Echo to confuse him. He wanted to check if earlier was just a fluke or it is really useless against this enemy.

"Another rhythm echo? I told you it doesn't work on me!" Manbat again flew and sent a claw attack to the real Silver.

Silver evaded to the side and tried to catch Manbat but Manbat is very agile in the air.

He tried jumping up on him but Manbat simply flew higher. 'Should I use Kamehamaha? No, by the time I finished he should be high enough to evade easily. If only I can jump higher. That- let's see if it works.'

Manbat dove in again for another attack. He swiped his claw to Silver who laid his back to the floor to dodge. He missed his attack again and immediately rose to the air. Not long after he felt something rode his back. "Get off!" Manbat folded his wings and did a 360 swirl. However what beffudled him was that his load still stuck to him.

Silver used his Spider setule to stick himself in Manbat's back.

"It's over!" Silver extended his claws and targeted the enemies heart from the back.

Feeling the threat of death, Manbat immediately cancelled his bat transformation that changed his body to look like a bat. The claw that was supposed to pierce his heart pierced his shoulder instead. Losing his wings, he and Silver fell to the roof.