044 I'mXBatman

When Silver laid on his back, he focused his Nen to his feet. When Manbat's attack missed, he stood up and jumped as high as possible. With the boost of Nen, he caught up with Manbat and used Peter's ability, spider bite, to stick to him. He extended his nails and aimed to his heart. "It's over". But then what he saw surprised him. The wings vanished and Manbat became just a man, smaller but just a man.

With the change of posture, his aim failed and hit the man's shoulder. Then without the boost of the wings they both fell to the roof.

They separated and rolled a few times on the roof. "So you are just a man, was that your ability then?" -Silver

"Urghhh" The now man 'Manbat' looked horified at his now gaping wounds on his shoulder. If not treated on time, he'll die of blood loss. He thought this would just be another quick assignment to deal with overconfident Nen users who just chance upon Nen. How could he have known he'll meet a Zoldyck prodigy.

'I can not go on, need to escape and report this to the Dons. Manbat!' The man ran to the edge of the roof and jumped while started transforming.

"Hehe, you won't escape. Sharingan! Manbat" Silver upper body from chest up started growing hairs. His ears elongated and his arms extended while gaining additional forelimbs with bat's skin attached to them. He looked at his wings and smiled. "This is awesome." He then looked at the escaping Manbat with his Scarlet eyes and now the familiar feeling of how to fly came to him. "There are still so much to learn." He grinned and flap his wings. *swoooosh*

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability Manbat:

• Get your parents killed before 10 years old.

• Be a billionaire.

• Learn multiple martial arts.

• Announce that you are Batman.

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is required to be active while completing the tasks

Manbat: Transform the upper body into a human bat. Gain bat wings to fly, bat eyes that can see in low lights and bat ears that can be used for echolocation.}

Manbat flew slowly away from the roof. With his current injury he is only flying around 2/5th of his fastest flight to not further injure his shoulder. His ears twitched and told him that something fast is approaching him. He looked back and saw another Manbat similar to him approaching him. "What in the-"

The two Manbats collided and started scratching one another. Blood splattered as the smaller bat's claw dugged into the bigger bat's body. While the injured bat could barely scratch the smaller bat. The bigger bat is injured and is barely able to maintain his flight thus have no energy to fight back.

Silver combined his ability to extend his nails along with the claws of the bat to his advantage and shred the wings of the injured bat. He then separated from the shadow beast and watch it fall to the ground where Peter is beating the crap out of Herman.


"He's here." Then Herman fainted with a smile.

Peter vigilantly looked at the source of the sound but was puzzled after seeing no movement from the body on the ground. Then he saw another person 'flew' right above the body and then landed. The new arrival looked at him and announced. "I'm Batman." For some unknown reason he shuddered from hearing the name and readied himself for another fight.

Then he widened his eyes as the wings and hairs of the new arrival receded and revealed a familiar kid. "You thought it was Batman, it is I Yamcha."

"You little shit! That gave me a mini heart attack. Haaaaa." Peter breathed heavily. "Who's the person on the floor?"

"Oh this? He said he was a shadow beast from the 10 Dons. Must be here to take care of you as well."

"Was? Is he dead?" Peter asked.

"He will be in a few minutes." Silver nodded.

"And you are okay with it as if it's not a big deal!? You are just a kid! Have you killed before!?" Peter's eyes stared dagger at Silver.

"What do you know? You don't know anything about me! You don't know the pain of having your town murdered and being one of the only few survivors. You live sheltered life in this world while I've seen the darkside it has to offer." Silver spat back.

"I- I didn't know."

"Of course you wouldn't." Silver transformed back into a Manbat and flew then vanished in to the night. It was the last time Peter saw Silver, or 'Yamcha' as he knew him, for a long while.


Manbat is an enhancer and his ability is Manbat which is to tranform his upper body into a bat.

Through out the HunterXHunter series we are introduced to hunters and the 10 shadow beast who take on animal characteristics. We are also informed about Bisky, Gon and Youpi's ability to alter body and managed to return to their original form. So in this story, body transformation is under enhancement and is semi-permanent unless the user deactivates it similar to Manbat returning to human.