045 DoubleXWhammy

Silver went home for the night then returned his regular outfit and hair color of blue-silver.

'What happened earlier? I suddenly felt more familial bond with the tribe back there. I need to have a better control of my emotion.'

He didn't know what riled him earlier. For the past 2 years, he had never had this deep emotion over his clan's demise yet just a little question from Peter tonight made him angry.

'He got a nagging feeling  that something important must have happened for him to suddenly change his view over his clan, but he can't seem to remember.'

He put it at the back of his mind for the moment. 'On the brigth side, this is unexpected.'

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability Spider Bite:

• Get bit by a spider. X

• Accompany Peter investigate the death of Benjamin Parker. X

• Tell Peter that "with great power, comes with great responsibility." X

• Hone your reflexes by fighting 2000 times.

• The condition must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

Spider bite: Gains the setules of the spider to stick to any surface with. Gains immunity to all spider venom while boosting resistance to other types of venom. Gains spider sense that alerts you of danger and incoming attacks}

Earlier when he dropped by and completed the last task which was to announce that he is Batman, his Sharingan ability was still active as part of the requirement. So once it completed, it immediately freed up the slot and copied the first ability in sight. Peter didn't know who dropped by earlier so his ability was up and ready. When Silver announced he is Batman, Peter was subjected to Sharingan thus the 'fear' he felt after hearing the name.

'He has upgraded his ability and since my Sharingan was active I was lucky enough to recopy it. If it wasn't because of a fluke, I wouldn't know he upgraded it at all. If by the next time we would have met and saw him evade better, I would have simply thought he got much better in fighting. But 2000 fights? This will be a long quest.'

Silver sat in meditation and reflected on what he has gained. First, he gained two unique abilities. Spider Bite which is a good-utility turned must-have fighting ability and Manbat, which allows him to gain bat wings for flight, eyes for seeing in the dark and ears for echolocations. He also learned that using Gyo in the ears allows him to hear better, testament to that was when he eavesdropped on the conversation behind a concrete wall. He thought combining Gyo and Manbat should be tested tonight. He wonders what other parts of his body can be taken advantage by using Nen on them.

Then, there is the boost in his jump. During the fight with Manbat, he thought of his emission training. He has been practicing floating hand which allows him to jump using his hands with Nen alone. He thought of using it to his feet and jump higher which did wonders. Not only did he jump higher, it also allowed him to jump vertically much faster, in turn, allowed him to catch up to the enemy. What if he could use it to leap forward, instead? Maybe there is more to the basic Hatsus that he should learn about.

For now, time to test his new ability! He went to his roof and looked at the dark sky.

He first used the original Spider Bite he already learned without activating his Sharingan ability. Setules started growing on his body which forced his feet to stick to the roof. He still felt it somewhat hard to control the ability so he deactivated it and tried the new Spider Bite using Sharingan. Setules started growing again similar to earlier.

Then he tried using Spider sense, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Come to think of it, it says it allows him to detect danger and nothing more. He then deactivated it and tried Manbat.

He then gained hair all over his upper body, his ears elongated and his arms extended while forelimbs grew along with skin-like bat wings. He used his eyes to see in the dark and indeed he can see better and further with his naked eyes in the dark. He then used Gyo on his eyes and now it is like seeing in broad daylight. He can also see much further and clearer than his regular eyes, around 3 times better. He then closed his eyes and used his ears.

With his bat ears, his hearing improved dramatically. He hasn't noticed it earlier due to adrenaline while fighting, but from hearing utter silence in the roof to now being able to hear conversations going on inside the houses and buildings nearby and slowly fading after around 50-meter radius amazed him. Also using his ears alone he can observe every obstruction within 50 meter radius. He can't 'see' through walls but he knows if there is a wall or an object and what it looks like behind him.

Then he used Gyo on his ears. That opened his eyes. He could 'see' and hear everything within 100 meter radius as the vibrations/frequency is taken by his ears. The word echolocation came into his mind. It didn't only improve his range; but now, it is also like he is also using En. Nothing in 100 meter radius can escape him, be that a voice or vibration from someone hiding a meter or two in the ground.

"This is a cheat on itself. I also don't have to exert so much like regular En but just Gyo on my ears. A pity I could only use it during Manbat transformation." Then it hit him. "Maybe, just maybe I can improve upon it myself like I did with Cookie chan."

He had done it before, he had wished for Cookie-chan to change before. He closed his eyes and tried to remember how he exactly did it. He remembered Bisky saying about heart's desire. "So it is not just about wishing but also desiring it to change and knowing his desire." Then he concentrated on his acquired ability, desiring it to be able to partially transform only the ear. He imagined his pre-transformation form and when activating the Manbat ability it will only trigger his ears to transform. Driven by his desire to learn the cheat like En, his nen answered and his wings and acquired hairs receded retaining his elongated ears.