047 RevengeXTest

In the past year, Silver completed Bisky's training benchmark.

"For Ken training: He is now able to hold it for 6 hours."

"For En training: He can now with the use of his ears maintain 150 meters radius En for 6 hours. With regular En, he is able to maintain 1 meter for an hour."

"For enhancement training: He has surpassed breaking 1000 stones with 1 stone in 1 day."

"For emission: he can now leap 6 meters with Nen alone."

"For transmutation: He can go from 0-9 in 3 seconds."

"For Manipulation: He is able to control 3 Nen balls rotating in different direction for each hand."

"For Conjuration: He is still at a loss on what to conjure so haven't started on it yet."

And after all his betting and fights in the Heavens Arena, he has now acquired 12 Billion Jennies.

He is now comfortable with the next phase of his plan. To hire the Zoldyck's to assassinate the Pantom Troupe or at the least the one whose weapon or ability is a three bladed weapon or a claw. It is the wound mark he saw on the bodies of his parents after all.

"I can finally avenge you mother and father. Sorry it took too long to save this amount. One day, when I'm strong enough I'll make the Phantom Troupe pay for what they have done that night." Silver clenched hard his nails dug in to his palm and draw some blood.

So now here he is standing in the base of Kukuroo Mountain in front of a fairly large wall with numbers in numerals on them. On the side of the wall is a wooden door followed by a guard hut. He went to the guard hut to inquire. "Uhm.. Excuse me, is this where the Zoldycks reside?"

The middle aged man guard looked down on the Kid and smiled. "Hello there young man, yes this is the Zoldycks state. Are you here for sight seeing?"

"No, I'm a friend of Killua. I'm here to see him as well as to request an assassination."

"Oh?" Hearing the word assassination didn't really surprise Zebro. The Zoldyck's family business is assassination after all. What surprised him is the kid in front of him who claimed to be Killua's friend. 'Is this him?'

Two years ago when the patriarch's group returned with Killua he got a warning from Tsubone. "In the future if a kid claimed to be a friend of Killua comes along, tell him Killua doesn't want to see him."

'The warning was to send him off if he wants to meet Master Killua, but the problem is he also claims to request an assassination.' This put him in a dilemma.

"Are you sure kid? The Zoldycks price is too high, you sure you got the money? If you don't you'll be the one ending up dead for wasting the Master's time.

"I'm sure! I've been saving a lot for more than two years."

"How should I put this, the price of the family is in the billions. Do you know how many Zeroes that is?" Asked sarcastically by Zebro.

"9 zeroes" Answered Silver.

"That's right, nine zeroes. Do you have that amount of money?

"Yes! I do!"

'Ughhh kids, acting as if they know everything.' "If you really have that enough money let me see your account."

"Here you go!" Silver innocently showed his phone with his account open to the guard.

"Let me educate you kid. You see here, this zero stands for tens, this hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millio-" Zebro stopped for a while and rubbed his eyes.

Then he looked again, closer this time. "Tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, ten millions,..."

"Again, again, again... "Tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions, ten millions, hundred millions, bi-bi-billions, te-te-te-te." He stopped counting and returned Silver's phone. He then reached out another phone in the hut and dialled a number. "Hello Mr. Gotoh, I have a client here for you. Yes, yes he have enough funds. Ok, I shall let him pass through the testing gate."

"The head butler is now aware of your request to hire them. Now you only need to enter through the Testing Gate."

"The testing gate? This door here?" Pointing to the wooden door at the side of the hut. "Also what about seeing Killua?"

"I'm sorry, but Killua is currently under training and won't be able to see you for the time being." He can't bear himself to tell Killua's friend that the young Master doesn't want to see him. "As for the testing gate, that one with numbers over there." Zebro pointed to the wall beside the wooden door that is labeled by numerals.

"The Zoldycks only meets those who entered through the Testing gate. Each numeral stands for an increase in weight. 1 for four tons, 2 for eight tons, 3 for 16 tons, 4 for 32 tons, 5 for 64 tons, 6 for 128 tons and 7 for 256 tons."

"Wow!!! Tell me how far can Killua open this gate?"

"The last time Master Killua used the gate, he was able to open the second gate. That was 6 months ago."

"Second gate huh, I'd be sure to beat it!"

Silver stand at the middle of the gate and placed his hands on it. The moment he touched the gate though his ability to sense his Nen seemed to vanished. He let go immediately and the sensation of Nen came back to him. "I see, so this gate test out physical strength then. Interesting. Here I go!"