048 Zoldyck'sXEstate

"Here I go!"

Silver again pressed his hands to the gate and this time used all his strength to open a gap. The sound of the gate opening surprised Zebro and what surpised him more was that the kid is able to open up to the third gate.

Finally the third gate fully opened and silver entered. "Where do I go next?"

"Just walk straight on the road and you'll see a large tree. Someone should be waiting there for you. Don't ever go to the woods and the guard dog might attack you. Trust me, you wouldn't want to face Mike!" Zebro warned.

"Alright! Tell Killua I beat him this time. It is now 150:150!" Then Silver followed the path straight to the mansion.

"I wonder, was me learning Nen, pushed my physical strength further than I would have without it? Or did I simply go stronger with age?" Silver pondered to himself as follow the path ahead of him.

Along the way he could hear something large following him just outside the forest. 'En' (from this point on, En for silver entails using Gyo on his bat's ear until said otherwise) Silver stopped on his tracks as he saw a mental image of a large 'guard dog' trailing him. 'Is he what the guard told me to be the guard dog Mike?' He gulped as he activated sharingan and his spider senses started tingling without stop. He could tell, even with his Nen ability it might not necessary him to come up on top if he fights with Mike. 'Does it mean it can also use Nen? Does it mean some animals know how to use Nen then?' The realization hit him and he felt the world to be more dangerous than he originally thought.

Silver continued with his walk but this time walking right in the middle. Afraid to even set a foot near the forest. He also didn't stop using 'En' as he didn't want to be attacked out of nowhere. Eventually he got used to the presence of the dog and no longer felt fear over it but just admiration that such a strong creature exist in Killua's backyard.

Sensing the fear vanished from Silver, Mike lost interest and went no one knows where.

Silver didn't mind at all the absense of the guard dog, Mike. A few moment later he came near a huge tree in the middle of the path.

In front of the tree awaits a girl not much older than him with braded hair and wearing a butler's outfit strikingly similar to the one he used to see on Gotoh.

He stopped in front of the girl and waved. "I'm here to hire the Zoldyck's service."

The girl sized Silver up but could not measure him properly. Silver has been training in Shingen-Ryu and one of the core principle of the art is to reign in the aura to hide and control your strength. "I have been made aware, please follow me."

"May I ask who are you and what you do in here?" Inquired Silver to pass time.

"My names Canary. I am one of the butler of the Zokdycks and currently assigned to guard the path you have just went to." Canary introduced herself.

"Are there any other path to the Zoldyck's estate other than this path?" Silver continued asking.

"Of course, the Zoldyck family owns this whole mountain after all." Canary explained without much emotion. "However the one you took is the most famous one. The rest of the entrance are not really open to the common populace."

Silver followed Canary to a mansion where a familiar looking person is waiting for him along with 4 other butlers.

"Gotoh!!!!" Silver excitedly run to Gotoh. "You are here! It's been so long since we saw each other. You should know I have improve my cooking in these past couple of years! Also is this where Killua lives? It is so small compared to what he has been bragging about." Asked curiously by Silver.

"I am sorry to disappoint Silver but this is but the butler's mansion. The Zoldyck's Mansion is much further in. I heard a kid came in for an assignment, I got the nagging feeling it would be you. Were you able to acquire the minimum fund I suggested?" Gotoh asked as he realigned his glasses.

"Yes! And 2 Billion more. By the way, is Killua really out for training?"

"Yes he is. And I do not know when he will finish his training. Let's go inside as I try to reach the main house for your request."

Silver was escorted to the living room with a simplistic design. Several set of fruits and food on the table for his consumption. Silver didn't shy a bit and ate a lot of the food offered.

Ten minutes later, Gotoh entered the living room. "The main house has been informed of your visit and request. Now we wait for their answer."

"Hey Gotoh, what are the chances they'll accept my request?" Silver asked while clenching his fist.

Gotoh saw this and answered confidently. "As long as the family's business is assassination and you have the right amount the chance of it being accepted is 100%."

"Well then, while we wait why don't we see how far you have progressed."

Gotoh and Silver played the coin guessing game Gotoh is famous with. They started simple at first and ended with 5 butlers working their hands together to confuse Silver. But with Silver's En that doesn't necessary require to extend his sphere of influence like the regular En, it was like stealing a candy from a baby.

"Amazing! Amazing! You have surpassed my expectations. Master Killua couldn't even handle 4 of us at a time."

"Really? Then when you see him again tell him it is now 151:150. I just beat his record with the gate when I came in." Silver grinned.

"I'll be sure to inform Master Killua." Then another butler came in and announced that the patriarch is waiting for him in the study.


Good News: Long Arc incoming.

Bad News: Stocks are almost gone. I need to leave gap between posting and writing so I could back track things I need to change while new things are being written. So starting tomorrow I'll slow down to one Chapter a day with occasional two if I have surplus. Thanks for the support.