049 SilvaXSilver

Silver was brought to the study by Gotoh. In the study's door Tsubone is standing guard with her imposing posture. Gotoh then bowed to Tsubone and stand aside.

"Oh hello there little Silver, it nice to see you again. Silva-sama is waiting for you inside." Tsubone said with a smile but with all the wrinkles it could possibly be seen as a witch grin. She then opened the door and gestured Silver to enter.

The study can only be described as a two story mini library. The study is well maintained and Silver could swear that not a speck of dust can be seen. At the end of the study sat a muscular man in extremely good physical condition. He has long, silver-blond hair with deep blue cat-like eyes. He is currently dressed in a purple sleeveless  shinobi shōzoku outfit and wears a pair of wristbands.

Silver walked to the man and introduced himself. "My name is Silver Kurta, currently going as Silver Uchiha. I'm here to request your service to assassinate the Phantom Troupe or the very least a member of the Troupe."

"So you are a Kurta survivor. I heard the Kurta's extermination two years ago and for you to request to kill this group would only mean they were the one who did it?"

"Yes, I was there the night it happened. I was hidden by my parents and survived the massacre. I am here to exact my revenge." Silver bowed to Silva.

"You should know of our rate, 1 Billion for non Nen-user and 5 Billion minimum for Nen users. Prize might increase the stronger the target are. You should be already familliar to Nen right?" Silva inquired while looking at his elongated ears.

'Can't really hide myself from the experts.' Silver thought as he took a glance to the curtain.

"Yes, I have been informed of the rates. I currently have 12 Billion in my account and would like to request the assassination of one of their members. I do not know of his name or what he looks like but he should have a weapon or ability similar to a three large claws."

"For a Phantom Troupe member, 10 Billion is just enough for one. Let me make you a deal, I will kill two members for you in exchange for you to never show your face in front of Killua again." Silva offered as his purple cat like eyes stared at Silver with his Killing intent unveiled.

Silver shudered at the declaration. All kinds of alarm going off from his body telling him to run away as far as possible from the man no from the monster in front of him.

Logic tells him to accept the deal but when he thought of Killua and his promise to meet again after their duel he found courage to face this monster of a man.

He steeled his resolved and look at Silva in the eyes and said. "No, I'd rather train myself to death and assassinate the troupe with my own hands than break my promise to Killua."

Silva maintained his Killing intent for a while before reigning it. "Very well, we are an assassin family after all, we accept this assignment. We'll kill the Phantom Troupe member that fits the description and inform you once done."

"Thank you very much!" Silver said in gratitude. 'Good thing I saved enough.'

Looking at the elongated bat-like ears of Silver, Silva can't help but ask. "Hope you didn't learn Nen on a whim? If you want to walk alongside Killua, you have to be always at the top of the game."

"Thank you for your concern. The answer is a 'No', I had proper training and guidance. Please tell Killua, the next time we meet he'll be the one ending lying on the floor." To which Silva just nooded.

"Okay, If there is nothing else you may leave now." Silva concluded the meeting.

After Silver left. "What do you think of him father?" Silva asked no one in question.

"He is very talented, the way he walks and carry himself tells he has mastered all of his discipline now. They now work in unity for him instead of a messy patch work like two years ago. As Gotoh said before, he has learned silent gait and is now very proficient at it, I could barely hear him walk with this ears of mine. I pressume he also now fully learned rhythm echo after Killua deliberately let him learn it. His elongated bat-like ears suggest he has something akin to a beast enhancement ability to enhance his hearing. He was able to discern my position the moment he entered while I was standing still with my heartbeat at in a crawl the whole time. He might as well be listening to this very conversation, right Silver?" Zeno mockingly said at the end.

"Hmmm. He is also a man of his word, able to stand up to me over a childish promise. An interesting child. If I have the chance I might take another troupe member for free."  Silva agreed to what his father told him.

"What is your plan with Killua then? Knowing his friend learned Nen when he wasn't even given a whiff of it might further fuel the rebellious side of him."

"Killua is too young and as you said rebellious, he isn't like Illumi and Kalluto who follows what they are told to do. We can't risk him create an ability he will regret learning down the road. We will have to delay it as long as we can until he matures and can decide for himself which ability suits him the best. Don't you agree too Silver?"

Silver who was walking in the hallway with Gotoh stumbled a little when he heard what they were talking inside the study. 'You can't really hide anything from them. Killua's family is scary. Fine, I won't talk about Nen to Killua. But if he learn it himself, that won't be my fault.'

"Where you able to come into an agreement?" Gotoh inquired.

"Thankfully yes. The patriarch gave me the regular price range you told me. Thank you Gotoh for giving me this opportunity to avenge my clan and my parents."

"You are welcome, Silver." Gotoh realligned his glasses. "What are your plans next?"

"I'm not sure. I'll go where the wind blows me. I'll eventually find my calling."

"I see, before you go. I suggest you reign in your ear transformation. Showing it in display is like announcing to all Nen-users that you are a body transformation enhancer." Gotoh smiled knowingly.

"So that's why I was found out immediately. Urgggh." Silver complained.

"It is not always the case, but 95% of the time any animal characteristics you see on a person suggest body enhancement ability." Gotoh explained. "The other 5% is unconscious enhancement activation for non-Nen users."

Gotoh looked at Silver for a moment and continued. "In your case, I got an educated guess about your current trajectories. We separated two years ago were you are 1 win below the 200, where Nen users are prevalent. And with your talent it would be just be a matter of time. Then here you are, 2 years later with a different set of ears from the last time we've met."

"That is indeed the case. Thanks again Gotoh. Since Killua isn't around, I'll take my leave." Silver waved as he said his goodbye.