052 KillerXForest

"I.. Can you tell me more about the killer?"

"Thank you! I'll wire the money now." Silver dropped the call and wired 10B to the Zoldyck's account leaving him with 2B. More than enough to live a luxurious life for a long time.

With that he felt peace within. He looked at the quiet sea as if everything he had done for the past three years was worth it.

"What was that about?" Asked Lara as she came out of nowhere.

Feeling free from the burden, he felt that he can finally share a few more things about him to this group. "I am an orphan, my family was murdered on the night of my birthday. My mother hid me that night so I could survive. Since then I've been fighting and betting in the Heavens arena. I trained and fought for three years to finally have the capital to hire the Zoldycks. That's when Marco saw me in the mountain. Just now I received the call, and the culprit is finally dead." He looked at Lara unknowingly his eyes are dripping with tears.

Lara came closer and hugged him tight. "Now now. Everything is over." She patted his back and continued. "Tonight you can cry and no one will bother you."

Silver cried a long time that night.

From the shadow: Slade looked at the two without emotions and left. 'Not my job.'

From the bridge: "Why is the rum always gone?"

Also from the bridge: "You are the Captain, you shouldn't even be drinking at all." -Nellie.

In the dining: 'Finally we'll be out of the sea.' -Bradford

From his room: "Zzzzzzz" -Bear Grylls.

On his room: "Finally we are closer to the dagger." Marco declared while staring at the Seraph and the Skull.

"Are you sure the monastery is in this forest?" Silver skeptically asked Lara while looking at the vast forest in front. During the past three weeks, everyone started to get along with each other except for Slade. Slade never changed his attitude since day one. He would say something like "I was paid to protect, not to interact."

"Yes, I can feel it." -Lara

"I don't need your feelings. I need your confirmation." Silver commented back.

"Smart ass!" Lara knocked her fist on Silver's head. "According to our knowledge and several historical books and evidences, the monastery is somewhere in this vast forest. It might take a while, but we'll eventually find it."

"Let's go! Cap'n Jack, will leave the airship and supplies to you. You should send us fresh supply every week. We'll be sure to send our location by then." Commanded Marco.

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"Nooo." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"NO!" -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"NOooo!" -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"Come here you little shi-" -Bradford

"We're here." Pointed marco in the clearing.

"We'll camp here for the next few days as we gather information. Set up your tents and gather for dinner."

Silver raised his hand and innocently asked. "How do we setup our tents?"

"Sigh. Can you help him set up his tent, Grylls?" Lara said. They decided to call him Grylls instead of bear, just in case someone shouts a bear and no one takes it seriously.

"Come young padawan, I'll teach you how to survive in the forest." Then Grylls climbed on the back of Silver.

"What are you doing?" Silver asked as Bear Grylls started climbing.

"Hushhh.. Now go over there and jump over those fallen branches."

At dinner, the group gathered again. Lara started the strategy they will be implementing to find the monastery. "Tomorrow we cover the perimeter of the camp. We are looking for any signs of the Xian Settlement. If you cannot be certain it is of Xian descent, mark it on a map and bring me or Marco for validation. We divide our groups into five tomorrow to cover more ground. Bardford and Nellie will stay in the camp. Bardford, set up some trap to fortify the camp. Nellie, you prepare the food before we leave for our trip as well as for dinner once the group returns. I will cover the north direction and Marco will go east. Slade will go west then Grylls and Silver will go south. Yes Grylls?" Lara looked at Grylls who has his hand raised.

"Why do I get to take care of the kid?" He asked while pointing to Silver.

"Teach him how to survive along the way. He might as well learn something new other than fighting and carrying our luggages."

"Fine, but I'll take a cut from your share kid. Consider this as tuition fee."

"No way, that's mine! I'll pay you if I actually learn something. Hehe."

"Oh hooo, but you already learned swimming from me. Now pay up. Hahaha" Grylls joked as he gestured his open hand forward.
