053 SurvivalistXMonkey

The group started early the next day. Bear Grylls and Silver started their explorations to the south. Along the way they would stop and look at the vegetations and possible clues of the Xian's.

The two stopped behind a tree "Trees can be a survivalist's best friend. They provide wood, sap, and sometimes even water. It is vital to understand how to identify and use different trees to survive in an emergency. You should practice identifying them by both their leaves and bark so that you can find them when needed. The key to surviving using trees is accurate identification, so practice is essential." Grylls started explaining.

"This here is a kind of willow tree. Willow trees come in many varieties, but they all have narrow, lance-shaped leaves that cover the branches. They grow near water, so they are a good indicator that there is a water source nearby."

"That one is a Birch Tree. Birch is easily identified by its white, papery bark. White Birch bark is distinct from other white trees because it peels off in thin, paper-like furls. Its leaves are small and oval-shaped with a pointed tip and irregular grooves. If you find yourself in dire need of water, this tree can be your life saver."

They continued moving and would stop after a while to talk about how to survive the forest.

"That is the love-me-not flower. One bite will get you unlimited supply of acne for 1 year. Good luck finding love after that." He grinned.

"This is a happy mushroom. Can make you feel happy for hours on end you don't want to stop eating them. Illegal on most countries."

"This one is good. Energy mushroom. Can give you enough energy for 3 days without eating at the cost of 1 week worth of hunger. So if you are dying of hunger, these just might save your life. Well for another three days at least until you find refuge. Can't eat them consecutively though. You'll die on the fifth day due to severe hunger."

"This one is a meat tree. It grows a fruit that taste like meat. Very good source of protein."

"This one here..."

"This and that are..."

"Avoid this thorny tree but you can eat its fruit."

"If you see a colorful frog, or any colorful small animal for that matter it is a clear sign of can't be eaten."

"Most avians are fair game. But be careful of large birds, they make look at you like a monkey for a picking. Hmmmmm..." Grylls stopped talking and observed Silver up and down. "You are as tall as one, as agile as one, as noisy as one and look like one. Nah, they won't mistake you for one, cause you are one. Hahahaha." *boink* "awwww."

"Stop joking around!" Silver smashed grylls head with a fallen branch.

"You see this one?" Grylls pick up a well rounded rock. "This one is a rock. This can easily be used to crack some blue-silver covered skull. Hehehe." Bear Grylls said with an evil looking smile.

"You're joking right?" Silver asked. "Right?" Silver confirmed again. "Noooooooo!"

"Hahahaha. That was funny. You shoud have seen your face."

Silver's eyes gained focus as he felt something coming their way.


Both Silver and Bear Grylls look at the source of the sound.

A gorilla came out of the bushes looking at them. It has elongated arms that even standing upright they'd still touch the ground. On its mouth is a pair of tusk growing upwards.

"That is a war-gorilla, highly territorial. We must have crossed its territory. It is very strong and agile. It's meat is hard full of muscle, so no use making a dinner out of it. Weird, didn't see any mark earliers. You said you are called the 'blue-wall' in Heavens Arena? Why don't you show me how you fight?" Calmly said by bear grylls.

Silver placed his backpack down and cracked his knuckles. "My pleasure, I haven't fought for more than a month now and that is irritating me." 'Can't complete the assignment if I don't fight after all."

Feeling the fighting spirit of the kid, the war-gorilla growled. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaar!"

The gorilla then launched itself forward with incredible speed. The gorilla then swung its right arm to slap the kid as it approaches Silver.

Silver nonchalantly raised his left arm and caught the incoming swing.


The war-gorrilla stopped liked it hit a wall. Confused of what is happening, it swung its other arm.


The same thing happened. Now both of its arms are locked by the kid. Before it could process anything further, it is now being swung in a circle in increasing speed. The centrifugal force keeps it foot off the ground and disabled it from taking anymore action. Then the kid let it go and it flew back from where it came from. It took 5 broken trees for the war-gorilla to stop its trajectory. It shook its head and limply ran away.

"Not that strong." Smugged Silver.