054 PastXGrylls

"Getting cocky now are you? You haven't met the real monsters yet. The more we enter the jungle the possibility of meeting stronger monster increases. And by the size of this forest, I'd say there should be 5 or more of them around." Bear Grylls warned.

"How strong are they compared to the war-gorilla?" Peeking Silver's interest.

"They could easily beat the war-gorilla as you did and more. There are even monsters that could not be defeated by normal means."

"Normal means? Is there an abnormal means then?"

"Yes there is, maybe when you grow old enough you'll qualified to know about it. No, with your strength and potential you'll definitely learn about it."

'Nen then. So Nen really isn't exclusive to us humans. I wonder if I'll ever see one monster who use Nen. Hmmm maybe Mike the guard dog really knows how to use Nen?' Silver thoughts wondered as his battle intent rises.

'Sigh, this Kid is more battle hungry than I thought.' Bear Grylls can't help shaking his head after seeing the determined look from Silver.



7 pack of wolves encircled the two.

"This is bad, you think you can handle 3 of them?" Inquired Bear Grylls as he readied himself.

"Yup, just 3 little puppies." Belittled Silver.

"You shouldn't think that way, these are whip-wolves. You can identify them with their whip-like curled tails. They can use it to whip their prey, and let me tell you they pack a punch. They are also well coordinated. If you think you can't take it, just climb the trees. Even I have to be a little careful with those tails of theirs." Warned Bear Grylls. He may be a Nen user but the whip from the wolves are strong and can still leave a mark.

'Even Nen-user have to be careful?' Silver took the wolves seriously now. "I just don't have to be hit right?"

"That's understatement, but yes that's basically it. You take the three from the back and I'll take the pack leader and the three in front. Don't die now." With that they split up. Silver rushed to the three in the back and Bear Grylls to the four in front.

Bear Grylls is not yet a hunter and learned Nen accidentally while trying to survive from one of his excursion similar to this. He thought he might as well be a hunter after this job.

5 years ago he received a letter to guide the 7th prince of Kakin, Luzurus Hui Guo Rou, to wonder the wilderness of Kakin. However when he arrived in the palace he was surprised to see over 50 survivalist like him gathering around.

They rode an airship to the wilderness without knowing any better. After they landed and left the airship, that's when they learned the truth. They were told to survive and return to the palace. Those who survive will get a piece of the payment and those who dies gains nothing.

Meaning the lower the number the greater payment they receive. And the survivor will be the ultimate survivalist. As a survivalist himself he was intrigued with the competition. However he would never thought that the others would started killing each other on the second day.

Then it became every man for himself very quickly. He was one of the remaining 6 survivor when he got poisoned by an unsuspecting trap. He smelled the poison and knew it came from a platinum arrowed frog. Right there and then, he knew it was game over. Unwilling to die on this ultimate survivalist competition, he awakened his Survivor Nen ability.

Since then the competition became a breeze for him and became 1 of the four survivors. They earned 5 Billion each as part of the 20 Billion prize pool.

He knows he won't die but he also have to take the leader fast to help Silver.

Silver rushed to the nearest wolf to him. Without Nen, he can't enhance his speed and can only rely on his natural speed. The wolf jump back to maintain the distance while the wolf from his left whipped its tail to him.


Silver sensed the whip coming but his reflexes could not keep up. "Arrrggh. That hurts." Silver complained as a red line marks his back under his shirt. 'I could have easily defended with Ken and ignored it.'

The wolf from his right took advantage of his unattentiveness and pounced at Silver. Silver sensed the attack coming and jump forward. However he was a step too late and got his right arm scratched. Silver was able to defend with his muscle alone but the neglect cost him three superficial wound that bled a little.

He then tried to retaliate on the wolf that scratched him but a tail whipped his punch out of direction. *Pa*

'1 hit is all it takes to down one these puppies, but their coordination is making it hard for me to hit them.'

Sensing an attack coming from his back again, he dodged to the left and created space.

This is the first time he is fighting 3 agile enemies with both close and long range capability and good coordination learned from a lifetime of hunting as a pack.

He felt vulnerable and could only dodge and block. 'Should I expose it? But how would everyone react knowing I'm hiding it from them.' *Pa* "Ughhhh." As another whip hit his chest. His shirt is now shreded by the claws and the whip and is dyed by blood.

'Thinking of other things only makes me vulnerable.' As he dodged another set of claws. *slash*

He then emptied his mind and focused only on his senses. *pa* a whip which was directed to his head missed as he leaned his head backward at the last moment. He then further bent his body backwards as he dodge a wolf which went for a bite to his neck.

Unbeknowst to Silver, he has entered in the state of Zetsu. His aura receded inside him which allowed him to be more sensitive to the surroundings. He is now dodging everything thrown at him. If Bear Grylls looked at how he is doing now, he might think Silver and the 3 wolves are doing a choreographed fight scene.