059 ThreeXDays

"How long has he been like that now?" Grylls asked.

"Today would be the third day." Nellie worriedly answered.

Silver entered deep meditation the night he contemplated about sensing 'base' Nen while using Nen himself and has been in this state for three days now.

"Should we wait for him to wake up?" Asked Grylls. The kid has grown on him these past month and he doesn't want to ruin Silver's opportunity to learn Nen.

"No. We wake him up." Marco answered resolutely.

"But this could be his chance to learn Nen. This is a rare opportunity for him." Lara tried to dissuade Marco from waking Silver.

"Sigh. He has until tomorrow when Jack drops off the supply. We hired him to help us find the Catacombs. Him learning Nen or not doesn't changed a thing. We already completed this spot and we need to move to the next spot tomorrow. That's final." -Marco.

"I understand." Lara accepted Marco's decision. They indeed have a goal to come here and Silver learning Nen or not doesn't change that as Marco clarified. "Better do it Kid, I hate to wake you up tomorrow."

Silver is still in deep meditation. The rest of the group are awake looking at the growing airship in the horizon. 30 more minutes and the airship is now right above their heads.

"Sigh. It is time." Lara shook her head. She had hoped the airship got delayed by a day or two. Alas luck wasn't on her and Silver's side.

"Woah! Why is the airship here? Isn't Captain Jack supposed to come once we completed charting this spot?" An innocently voice asked from the groups rear.

Everyone was surprised and looked at the 'meditating kid' only to see Silver walking to their direction while having a surprised face looking at the airship above.

"You little shit! You had me worried." Lara menacingly walked towards Silver while cracking her knuckles. She is followed by Grylls.

Sensing something wrong with what he heard, Silver looked at the approaching duo with vigilance. "Whaa- what are you two planning to do?"

"That was refreshing." Lara said.

"I concur!" Grylls agreed.

"Whaaaat wiwd i woo?" Cried Silver.

"You were in deep meditation for three days kid, and we were about to wake you up. Good thing you finished on time." Grylls patted Silver's back approvingly.

"So what you gained from it?" Lara inquired to which the rest of the group was intrigued.

"I did it! I am able to sense the Aura." Silver proudly declared while raising his fist.

"That is all good but we have supplies to manage." Marco interjected from the side.

As if on cue, a platform full of crates and supply was lowered from the airship. The airship stayed above the forest since the clearing is not enough for it to land.

"Hey Silver, you should double your effort in resupplying. We did all the heavy lifting the past three days." Complained Bradford.

"Aye aye, Captain!"

"Also, got you some shirts. Seeing that you like to destroy them once your done. Hahaha" Grylls joked from the side.

"Ha ha. Very funny!" Silver grumbled.

"To us, it is." Replied Bradford which started another round of laughter from the duo.

The group finished their resupply and started walking to next camping spot.

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"No." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"Nooo." -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"NO!" -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"NOooo!" -Bradford

"Are we there yet?" -Silver

"Come here you little shi-" -Bradford

"We're here." Pointed Marco to another clearing.

"We'll camp here for this time. Set up your tents and gather for dinner."

"Can you erect your own tent this time?" Inquired Grylls.

"Yes I can!" Smiled Silver as he run to the clearing and choose a spot for his tent.

Dinner that night was similar. They discussed the direction they each are assigned to which is similar to the previous area. Grylls and Silver are still both assigned as a group while the other nen-users have their own direction.

After dinner, Lara and Silver meet up for their training session.

"What have you gained from your deep meditation these past three days?" Lara inquired.

"I can now feel my aura. I can feel it leaking slightly not similar to you where it is controlled as if being held together."

"That is great. Your next training is to continue to feel this aura. Feel its connection to your aura nodes or pores. We'll jump to your next training once you find those pores. And before I leave, don't try to go for another deep meditation. Marco might not take it kindly the second time around." With that warning, Lara left Silver to his own devices.

"I won't!"